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Shop tool V1.0!


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After working over 200hours on this, I can finally bring you Shop Tools V1.6 bèta !


This is a "short" description of the tools you can find in this excel sheet:


Shop Catalogue Generator!


The idea behind this sheet was to make a petpage which contains all the items

you have in your shop. If you have a large shop, people often need to search

through a lot of pages in order to find the item they are looking for.

Of course it would be impossible to edit the page daily when you don't have a

certain item in stock anymore; or when you have added a new item to your shop.


Because Neopets has blocked all ways to make an automatically updating petpage,

this Excel sheet comes up with the most efficient solution.

After only clicking a few buttons, this excel sheet will generate an HTML code.

The only thing you will need to do is copy the code and paste it in your petpage!


What you will get are 2 tables. One with the items in your shop sorted

alphabetically and another one with the items in your shop sorted on price.


Note: I'll probably change this tomorrow. The catalogue this sheet will create will be looking like this.


Catalogue Layout Editor!


Now everyone wants a unique catalogue. When everyone is using the same tool to

generate the catalogue html code, everyone will of course get the same layout.

This is why I created a tool to change the layout of the code!.

It isn't very efficient to manually change the code each time you wish to

update your petpage and not everyone knows how to change the html code to

create the layout of their dreams. This is why I made this handy tool!


This tool will allow you to change several options and make you design your

own unique layout. You can change settings like background, fonts, character sizes,

You can write a paragraph above the catalogue and lots more! You'll certainly love

this tool ;)


Item ID / Item image collector!


When a person visits your catalogue, they will be able to click on the item they want.

They will be redirected to this item in your shop and can buy the item right away!!

No need to go through all those shop pages anymore! Just visit the catalogue look up

the item, click on it and buy it right away!!


This sounds pretty amazing eh! Now here comes the nasty part. If you want the link to

work, you will need every ID of every single item!

Yup I hear you crying already... That's exactly what I was about to do when I found

out! I first made a simple too to add every ID manually. copy-paste the item name

In the green box (next to "Item name"); copy paste the id of this item in the green

cell below the item name; push the "Add Item" button and the ID will be added to the

database. The link will now work!


But manually entering over 1500 ID's is indeed an insane and boring job...

This is why I came up with this handy solution. I got to say, this works great!

Click on the button "Add Multiple Items". Now you copy and paste a piece of html

code, push another button and many ID's will be automatically added for you!!

Now the newest version of this petpage also contains item images.

When you hover your mouse over an item name, you will see the image of the specific

item! This requiers the link to every item image.. When you add the item Id's with

this tool, all the item image url's will also be automatically collected.

Be sure to save the document after you've collected the items from your shop. This

way you won't have to repeat this process ;)


This tool also comes with an extra option to check what item ID's you are still missing.

Click the "Check missing ID's/URL's" button and all the id's and url's you're missing will be

listed in no time!


Faerie Quest Tool

If you are in a mall, and you need to sell all the items for a specific faerie quest,

you will love this tool. This tool will make a list of all the items of the

faerie quest you're in charge with and it will tell you how many quest items you have

left in your shop. You can sort the table on the different table headers. Like this,

you can sort on "In stock?" and the items you need to restock will show up automatically

on top!

That's pretty cool isn't it ;)

List of Cheap Items

This will be a great addition for the bigger shops and packrat shops!

When you restock, you check what items have been sold in your Sales History.

Now items cheaper as 1000np won't show up there.. Therefore you price all

these items at 1000np. You don't sell many of them, and those who do buy

them are totally ripped off! With this tool, those things don't need to

happen anymore. You just put those items for a more acceptable price in

your shop and you use this tool.


Click the button to add cheap items. The tool will automatically make a list of all the

cheap items below 1000np you have in your shop. You can sort the items alphabetically,

On price (The amount at which you priced them in your shop) or on quantity in stock.

When you come back later, you will need to add new items to the list and you may have

changed some of the item prices! All you need to do to update the list is push the button

again and everything will be up to date! You don't want to stock an item anymore? You want

one of the items out of the list? No problem! Just delete the item name, price and amount

in stock for that item, and with the next update, the item will no longer be in the list.


Safety Deposit Box Check

This tool is great for people who restock a lot with the main neopian shops.

At half price day for example,.. you want to buy as much as you can!

But what to do when you have bought 5-10 of the same item? You can't put

these all in your shop at once... You're shop will be out of room in no time!

Well, this tool brings you the solution you need!

Fill in the SDB category you want to check, fill in how many different items

this category contains, push the "Check SDB" button and all these items will be

listed along with the amount you currently have in stock!

You can check what items you need to restock right away by sorting the table.


Sales History Check

This tool will help alot of people who restock their shop everyday by checking what items

in their sales history are no longer in stock. No need to check every item from now on!

From now on, this tool will do the work for you!

Click check history and your sales history will show up along with an extra column

stating what items you need to restock. Just like all the other tables in this sheet

you can sort these columns by double clicking on the column header.


Stats Overview

Here you can find all your shop statistics like how many items you have

in your shop, how many items you have in your sales history, how many

items you have in your SDB (on the category you stated on the update page),

your total shop value, and stats for every single shop page!

You can also find a tool to calculate the neopoints you need to fill your shop.

In the column "target stock" you enter how many of each item you want to

have stocked. In the column "Estimated increased sale price" you enter the

estimated percentage of how much higher you price the items as the shop wizard.

If you know what other stats I could add to the sheet, don't hesitate to contact me!


If you have a suggestion or an idea for another tool I can add to the sheet?

Just send me a neomail to P45soa and I'll see whether or not I'll be able to

realise your suggestion!


Unfortunately the sheet only works with Excel 2007.

~Download Here~

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Wow, nice. ^^


I'm not really part of a mall.


But I'm sure it'll be very useful for most people on here. c:

I'm pretty sure it will :)

I can't keep up with my 10 page stock without this thing! :)


If anyone has any questions about this, just send me a pm or ask it here :)

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Wow! that's REALLY impressive o_O *Downloads* I really got to try it out!


How on earth did you manage to make it anyway XD


I started with making just a small tool like 4 or 5 months ago and I almost didn't know anything about macro's :)

I just googled for the stuff I needed to know to realize one tool. Then I found a way to make another tool, googled some more,... found out more about macro's and how everything worked. I kept on working on it and this is the result :)

I found a new bug though, so I'll upload another one when I fixed it. I thought I I fixed all bugs, but I just found a small one which disallows you to copy the html code :S all other tools seem to work fine :)


If a tool isn't working allright, please let me know so I can fix it :)

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My shops not large enough for this, but I see you've put quite a bit of work into this, so congrats!

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WOW, you spent so much time on it, I hope the people who use it thank you like a billion times!! I never have much in my shop, but if I did I would definitly use this!! :) Good job! :)

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Holy cow! o_O I'm not a maller, but wow, that is major impressive! Have you been to the neomallers forum and told them about this? I bet they would love it :D


Thank you all for your great comments :)


I did ask dimitri (founder of neomallers) if I could put this on his forum, but he did not allow me to post it.

He told me it is against the neopets rules, although the really old neodaq sheet uses exactly the same ways as my sheet does for collecting data and they have never had any trouble with it. I ask around a bit more, but nobody else thought it was against the neopets rules...

Maybe he doesn't like it to be posted on his forum because it's competition for his program, and then I would ofcourse understand him for not allowing me to post my work. Since he did made a great website himself and worked a lot on his program too :)


Anyway, I tried his tool, but I prefer mine :D

If any one of you has a suggestion I can add to this sheet; Just poke me :P

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I fixed the HTML bug and changed the html code generator so it will make petpages like my shopcatalogue.



I also changed the download links to a direct download.


Hope you guys like it :)


Updated to version 1.2.


This version contains several bug fixes:

*The 2 petpages were badly linked to eachother.

*The stats overview page didn't update.

*The stats overview page "Target Stock" function didn't work correctly.


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  • 1 month later...

wow.. I've never seen anything like this.. It's great. Thanks for your hard work!


It makes me want to put more time into my shop!


Updated to version 1.2.


This version contains several bug fixes:

*The 2 petpages were badly linked to eachother.

*The stats overview page didn't update.

*The stats overview page "Target Stock" function didn't work correctly.

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Awesome little tool! I don't have a huge stock myself usually so I guess I don't need this, but I'm sure it's useful for everyone else!


It might be against the neopets rules because it uses a macro? Not a macro where you earn money or fame with however, so I guess it is not against the rules. (or I misread that part and it does not use a macro at all)

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Thank you for the positive comments! Comments like this make me want to work more on this sheet :)


I just extended the cheap items list a bit.

When you go to the Cheap items list you will now also be able to see all the items in your shop.

Now you can sort all the items in your shop on Name, Price and amount in stock. (so you can actually see what items you have overstocked. Really neat if you have a lot of pages in your store!)

You can also filter the items to see only items between a specific price range or stock range.


Enjoy ;)


PS: If you have already made a cheap item list, you can copy past the old list into the new version of the sheet.

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I wish I had something like this to sort out my safety deposit box, Ive got all kinds of crap in there! :P


How would you like to sort your safety deposit box?

Maybe I can try and make a good tool for it.

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Well I don't know if its possible, but by "worth". Thats what I really need, since I'd like to know what's junk that can be thrown out and whats actually worth something that I should either keep or sell.


Of course 'worth' is hard since it changes in neopia so frequently, ...

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hmm.. maybe also by further categories. currently you can only look for "Food". But a lot of times im looking for just Desert Food I had put in there (i collect desert food). So i have to stay scrolling for pages on end to look for what i want..


congrats on the tool bdw.. looks awesome :D

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hmm.. maybe also by further categories. currently you can only look for "Food". But a lot of times im looking for just Desert Food I had put in there (i collect desert food). So i have to stay scrolling for pages on end to look for what i want..


congrats on the tool bdw.. looks awesome :D


I will look into that.

Sorting by value isn't really possible since I don't have the values of the seperate items.

It should be possible to sort by types of food though ;)

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what if a bunch of us were to research values of items (or like a range ie. 1000-1300 np). Would it be possible then? It would be an extremely large project though :P

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