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Let's be critics for a while.


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So, let's critic our favourite and least favourite books.


By the way, I want you guys to go to your library and find the Chronicles of Mismantle. It' Harry Potter great, only not famous so you can actuallly find it online and at the library. I wanna hear your opinions on it. :O


Anyways, what's everyone's opinion on the Harry Potter book series in general? Let's forget the movies.

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UGH I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!! ... I started reading them when they were first published, I believe I was in grade 3 or 4... so waaay before they were popular, before anyone knew about them... I got the first as a gift for my birthday.


I read the whole series every year, and when they were still publishing new ones, I would re-read them before the new one.


This is pretty much the only set of books I've found so interesting that I can re-read them numerous times, and never tire of them. (with only a couple of exceptions).


---whats your series about?

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Cool. You're really obsessed aren't you? xD


And I would read you the back but I don't have the first one yet.


It's about a mythical land of squirrels, otters, moles, and hedgehogs. The king and queens son is found murdered, and the kings advisor begins to pretty much take over. Years before though, Urchin the squirrel was found falling from the sky as a baby on a night of riding stars. He washed up on the beach where a soon to be captain and the islands preist found him. He plays a key role in trying to stop advisor Husk from using the king to get what he wants. It' better than I make it sound, beleive me. xD

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I am a little obsessed lol. I don't know what it is about them, but they just draw me in every time... her writing of the world is so vivid...


-- I should have known it was about squirrels ;) lol

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I like the HP series, I rate it 9/10. So you guessed I like it as a favorite book but I am not obsessed.

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I agree. Rowling really has amamzing writing talent, and she brought it all out into the magic world.


And that's how I found out about the series. I was at a book fair with my freind that i'm making a squirrel MMORPG with and I saw a book with a squirrel on it and my librarian told me it was a great series but not very popular, so now i'm hooked. I have the 4th book in my room but i'm not gonna read it until I finish Warriors: Sunrise, which I just started like an hour ago.

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I'm a Twilight kinda girl, but I'm actually open to all genres. I love to read, and I would give the HP series 9/10. Twilight gets 20/10 and then I add an extra 10. Not because of the book, but because of the movie, and the sweet old producers who when they put up the New Moon trailer let us see Jacob Black. *faints*

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Im actually hooked to twilight too. I just read it last week (the series in 3 days lol)... I loved it! .. I didnt think I would.. but... its just one of those books! :) anyways I digress, Harry Potter! wooo ...


Im really waiting for people to start talking about Harry Potter so I can throw my two cents in on those topics! ... like... how much did you hate when

Sirius died

:( I loved him!! or when like

everyone cool died

in the last book! :( so sad... *sniffle*

the poor twins!


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Some of them must have


you know.... And anyway

Both of the twins didnt die, only Fred




Whatever the movies and the critics say, the HP series is a Drama after all, it dies has the twist of Comedy and some Romance but still it remains a Drama :yes:.

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I tried reading Harry Potter, but I wasn't able to appreciate the first book, even with the knowledge that I was not the original age demographic for the book. And thus, I've avoided all books and movies related.

Twilight, I just keep hearing weird stuff about the main actor, how he doesn't bathe and how the fangirls love him just a bit too much. I never heard about the books before the movies started coming out, and thus, I've avoided all of that too.

Now, the Wheel of Time series, that I like to poke fun at. It reads like a generic D&D game and spans 10 books with three more still to come out. I felt sympathy when the original author passed away, but I'm starting to think that they should offer a free shelf to those who preorder the last books. They're huge!

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I know it was just

Fred, but they aren't twins anymore if the one is gone really

... :( I suppose ... its like this show Supernatural I watch .. where everyone good

ends up dying

, if you like a guest star

prepare for him to die

! :P


I try and avoid all the media hype and what not about actors and what they're up to. I appreciate a movie for what its worth, not what critics think.. still typically you'll find that the books are better than movies.. movies just can hold the length and description that books can.. of course there are always a few exceptions to every rule :) (the full moon movie looks awesome by the way)

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I avoid Harry Potter books, although I've only read the first chapter of the first book. I've heard a lot about the Harry Potter books, and to me it sounds like Rowling is just copying from authors like JRR Tolkein. =/ And being a big fan of Tolkein, I automatically had suspicions, although I don't know if I'm being fair to Rowling. I mean, she may be talented, but I don't like copyers. So it's all very complicated. As for Twilight, those books sound terrible to me, but that's just opinion. I've never been a fan of vampires. The only thing I'm a hardcore fan of is hot cocoa, but that has nothing to do with this topic. xD

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You know, I had the same thoughts ... well similar thoughts, she definitly did not COPY from Tolkien... however I do believed she was inspired by him (which is a completely different thing!!).


The first chapter (when I first started reading the book i was in like grade 3) I found really boring, so I skimmed through it, and started seriously reading after that... (now of course I enjoy that first -very important- chapter!)


I think you should give her books a chance, if you like Tolkien you'll prob like Rowling! :)

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You know, I had the same thoughts ... well similar thoughts, she definitly did not COPY from Tolkien... however I do believed she was inspired by him (which is a completely different thing!!).


The first chapter (when I first started reading the book i was in like grade 3) I found really boring, so I skimmed through it, and started seriously reading after that... (now of course I enjoy that first -very important- chapter!)


I think you should give her books a chance, if you like Tolkien you'll prob like Rowling! :)

Yeah, inspiration is a very different thing...probably should give her books a better chance. =) I'll drive down to the library and maybe pick one up sometime. ^^

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  • 2 weeks later...

Harry Potter is a good book. Infact, I've read all seven several times. However, it is rather weak at times. The more you read them, the more you spot the time faults in the plot. Also, it seems like J.K herself didn't know how the books would end, and this could make the ending twists unbelievable.


As for Twilight, I love the first three but the fourth one went /way/ out of hand with hardly any plot and the worst ending ever. Don't get me started on the films.

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  • 1 month later...

It seems to me it is bosh full.... It is better to esteem Harry Potter, instead of to search for analogues.


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