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Hard Decision.


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I realised that, from a letter i have gotten from TDN that i am incapable of providing critical information for the release of my account. Particularly my birth date. My account is listed under 13 years old, for a reason i no longer remember nor care for. It seems it is a very crucial piece of information that must be given. I have sent 4 letters and have listed everything besides a birthdate, and it seems that is a main road block i cannot get across.


Restarting is...a hard decision. I have never looked upon my pet more so as a child, than a person. In a way i feel i have been influencing the life of a beautiful person i have created, in the world of neopia, and perhaps, its time to let them go live their own lives within my imagination and free of my meddling. Items, money, accessories based only in human desire i can do without , i value the experience, the sweat, and the hardwork so much more..


Goodbye Naalaro and Thyear, it was fun being your angel and your friend, you lived in my imagination ever since i created you, and will always will. Time to go live your own lives :). And time for me...to create another beautiful person.


Oh and thank you guys so much for all the comments and advice ever since my account went down, futuretx governor was particularly nice ^^, i'm sure to pay you back some day!


On the brightside of things, i have finally, finally been forced, the hardest way possible, to get an account where i can talk with you guys on the neoboards, join the TDN guild and add neofriends. Awesome sauce!

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You shouldn't give up! Losing your pets is a horrible thing.


I know that birthdate is a really big stumbling block, but there is other information that should prove account ownership. Did you give TNT a list of your previous passwords for that account? I know that TNT says they will never ask for passwords, but they asked me when I was trying to prove that my CGed account was mine. And I really think that it helped me get my account back.


It must have been pretty annoying being stuck with an under 13 account. It's good that you decided to create a new account, just so that you can do more stuff on Neopets. Eupeny is very cute! If you need anything to help rebuild, just ask. I have tons of unnecessary stuff in my SDB, and I'm willing to share!

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I'm sorry to hear that you didn't get your account back, but thanks for making a board to let us know? I understand how hard it is to rebuild though.




I'm sorry, reading it back again, I sounded pretty rude. I hope that you can rebuild back to the stage that you had in your account, and I hope that it will be an easy road for you. :)

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Losing a pet is really tough. Maybe you could ask TNT to just transfer the pets into your new account (tell them you don't care about your items just the pets).


I hope you manage to move on. Remember that TDN family is always here to back you up...

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Losing a pet is really tough. Maybe you could ask TNT to just transfer the pets into your new account (tell them you don't care about your items just the pets).


I hope you manage to move on. Remember that TDN family is always here to back you up...


You're able to do that? Wow. -sets off to e-mail TNT about her Poogle-

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You're able to do that? Wow. -sets off to e-mail TNT about her Poogle-

I'm not saying it will get your pet back. It's just that MAYBE (JUST MAYBE) TNT would realize how concern you are about your pet and they MIGHT have a change of heart...

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Ooh, I see. Well, since I believe that TNT can be quite evil at times, I'm not even going to bother. :(

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You shouldn't give up! Losing your pets is a horrible thing.


I know that birthdate is a really big stumbling block, but there is other information that should prove account ownership. Did you give TNT a list of your previous passwords for that account? I know that TNT says they will never ask for passwords, but they asked me when I was trying to prove that my CGed account was mine. And I really think that it helped me get my account back.


It must have been pretty annoying being stuck with an under 13 account. It's good that you decided to create a new account, just so that you can do more stuff on Neopets. Eupeny is very cute! If you need anything to help rebuild, just ask. I have tons of unnecessary stuff in my SDB, and I'm willing to share!


Thank you marsaryk for the advice, i think i will attempt a last try. I have already settled myself mentally on the new account though, and its pretty fun starting all over again from scratch, since i know this time what i really want. Thanks again.

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Aww, I'm so sorry. :( An account listed as under thirteen is always at a lot of risk in case something like that happens.


Did you get an automated response though? If so, I recommend giving it one more try, because it means TNT didn't read it. Yeah, they do that all the time.


Good luck.

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