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Oh hai there :)

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Hi there everyone! My name is Kirja (Keer-ya) and I'm a Neoholic for over 4 years now (49 mos). I've recently been on the wagon (or off it, I can't remember which is which right now), but I've come back to achieve some of my neopets goals. My username is loki_hidaka (weird, yes, but for rp purposes lol).


Now for some random facts about me!


I collect snowglobes (finishing my collection will be one of my upcoming goals).

I love anything Darigan, dark, or evil >:) Especially my Darigan Lupe, Helsein.

I never seem to get any better at any of the games.

My favorite games include Advert Attack, Imperial Exam, and Trouble at the National Neopian. Don't ask me why, lol.


In real life, I like to fight with foam weapons and pretend I'm a viking :)



So yep, that's me. Hope to spend lots of time here in the future! Adios!

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(the view new posts link is also located on the right hand side of the top tool bar)


If you have any questions or comments about absolutely anything, please don't hesitate to PM me.

Stick Around & Stay Active; next thing you know you’ll be addicted like the rest of us.


p.s. I noticed you don’t have forum set would you like me to design one for you? PM me if your interested.

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