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A little art practice?


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Hey there!

I've been lurking this forum for a while, and I thought that it was a nice place to join. I wanted a way to sort of introduce myself, and I'd been wanting to practice drawing for a while, as I haven't picked up a pencil and paper or my tablet and pen for maybe half a year? Gosh.

So I thought, what better way to introduce myself than to have a little drawing service? Practice for me, and a gift for y'all. All free of any charge of course. I might not do every one, and I might not do every one. Depends on how much interest this stirs up.


I don't really have any examples.. Here's just one from my Devart but to protect my identity I can't post my whole devart here (long story).



(this is an example of a real simple 10-minute work, much like what I'd be offering here)


So uh. I mostly can draw dogs, maybe cats, maybe other animals, and I can attempt (big emphasis on attempt) neopets but I can't say it'll be good, heh?


You can call me Am, that's obviously not my real name but it'll do.

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How cute!!! I used to have to doxies myself so they've always been my favorite type of dog!

If your still up for drawing could you make me one?

Sorry its not much practice since you already know how to draw one but....its just so adorable! :wub_anim:

If you want, you could put a little hot dog bun around it for practice. lol

Thanks in advance! :yes:

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I appriciate the picture you chose to share with us. I had four doxies before I joined the military. One black and tan female, a red male, a red female from their second litter, and a red long hair male from their third litter. My mom only has the long hair now.

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You could design your self a forum set as practice, while your waiting around for more requests to show up. You could also find users on the forum here with lupes, gelerts or aishas, since those basically are cats and dogs. It would give you more practice without making you go to far out of your comfort zone.


If your feeling up to a little challenge, I have a skunk xweetok that I would love to have a good custom image for. Xweetoks aren't that different from cats and dogs so maybe you could pull it off. It's not biggie if you can't though, just suggesting ideas for practice. Here's a pick of him if you want to give it a shot.



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Wow, thats very nice for just 10 minute work!


If you're after some more Neopet practice, I always love fanart of my pets - perhaps either Iz or Zadue? Whichever you'd prefer to try would be awesome but no worries if you don't want to do either ^_^



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I finished the dachs for Zodiac_ram!



Sorry about the anatomy... I'm very much in the dark when it comes to technicalities... I've never been to an art class :x

[and I forgot about the hotdog bun... Sorry! :/ ]


I'll try the Xweetoks next!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I finished the dachs for Zodiac_ram!



Sorry about the anatomy... I'm very much in the dark when it comes to technicalities... I've never been to an art class :x

[and I forgot about the hotdog bun... Sorry! :/ ]


I'll try the Xweetoks next!



I'm sorry I forgot all about this board! :(

You are sooo talented! I wish I could draw like that!

(Btw, I was the one who suggested the hot dog bun not Zodiac_ram, so don't worry you did the right commision. ;) )

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Welcome here! I am CC *shakes hand* I really love your drawings cuz you are really talented. Can yo draw a chocolate chip cookie please *puppy eyes* pweaty pwease?

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