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I just got lent BCG, for free, by some really nice person that I found on the Neoboards yesterday. Well, I still had to earn it, though. He has a points system for lending, based on account accomplishments, and I had enough points.


If anyone else is interested, his Neopets username is matinub, and the petpage where he has his "scorecard" is http://www.neopets.com/~rullike. It's not easy to get enough points to borrow BCG, but he does other lending too. Check it out, and good luck.


Also, don't be a jerk and harass him to borrow if you don't have enough points, please. Even if you are one point shy, he won't lend.

Thanks for the link..i think i have about 1180 points now..goes of to do some easy game trophies.

That's what I did. I played a few rounds of Cellblock to get the silver trophy, and I played Snow Wars for silver, and those two put me over the top. Good luck!


Grr. I don't even have enough points to get lend FQD. >< Congrats though. You deserve it! ^_^

I just tried neomailing him but it says his inbox is full..oh well

Hopefully, he will clean out his inbox soon. Just keep trying to neomail him. Congrats on getting enough points! I hope you get lent. You've certainly earned it!


I would need to get a trophies in neoquest I and II, which would be fun for me, but so long, and plushie tycoon. Must be out of the loop because I know NOTHING about that game. :(

Hopefully, he will clean out his inbox soon. Just keep trying to neomail him. Congrats on getting enough points! I hope you get lent. You've certainly earned it!

You are now officially my favourite person, along with Mat.I just got the avatar.In the end, i had 1252 points :D


And no,he doesn't give out to people with less points that he asks for,so please guys, don't neomail him until you have the points.


Congrats on earning enough points to get lent, Denisa!!! You did a really good rush job of improving your account. I'm happy to hear that someone here was able to benefit from this thread.


Now, if only we could find MSPP and SuAP lenders with a great system like this. :P



Is rullike the amazing avatar lender's screen name?


No, rullike is his pet's name. The account name is maninub.


Thanks for the link! I have somewhere over 600 points, I knew I wouldn't have enough so I was too lazy to take out a calculator and add it all up. My old main account would have earned a lot more -- it's 55 months older, for one thing. xD; Oh well, I'll bookmark it and keep it on hand, for when my account's a little more respectable. :P

Now, if only we could find MSPP and SuAP lenders with a great system like this. tongue.gif


I found a MSSP lender but she only lends if you were in here guild for over a year with like over 1000 posts..and even then she only lends for half collat(and that's 50Mil).. there are some points taken off...but it's terribly complicated...PM me if you want the link for the page though, kay?


Funny thing is that guild was my first neopets guild ever, but i was booted out when i took my almost 2 year hiatus.I had a pretty decent status too..


Too bad you lost your guild membership.


Heh. It would take me forever to rack up the post count I would need to get that lend. It would be obvious that I would just be there for the lend. Thanks for the offer, though!


I've only got 735 points sadly! Awesome though that you got that avatar! :)

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