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Cloning...Acceptable or not?

Chuck Norris

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Is cloning acceptable or not?

I don't see anything wrong with it, only because I don't know much about it :(.


Oh well.

Epic fail, huh?

If nobody posts by tommorow at 5:30 PM, I will do some research on Cloning.


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Im not really into the idea of cloning, I think that cloning someone is creating life, that part im fine with but there are countries out there that would go to the extreme and clone an entire army or make a country of clones. but as for the Cloning of food? I am fine with people cloning food because that way we can have animals in the wild not worrying about being killed for food, we can just eat from a test tube... YEAH!

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Im not really into the idea of cloning, I think that cloning someone is creating life, that part im fine with but there are countries out there that would go to the extreme and clone an entire army or make a country of clones. but as for the Cloning of food? I am fine with people cloning food because that way we can have animals in the wild not worrying about being killed for food, we can just eat from a test tube... YEAH!

Creating life, well, it seems that there are more people on Earth then we can feed.

Yeah, a whole Army of clones. Well, Clones are copies of people, so maybe they would act like the original person? In that case, it would be pretty hard to clone a willing Army.

Food cloning, good idea, but it also depends on the ingredients, may be as dangerous as drugs, cloned food.

Lol, good points.

Thank you Mantis.


EDIT: Mantis has told me basically what I wanted to know, I don't need this board anymore.

Feel free to post, but know I won't reply anymore.

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Stem Cell research is really good. It has the possibility to help so many people, in so many ways. No, I'm not for cloning a whole person (I really don't get that part) but if it could help a paralyzed person walk, I say its a good thing, not bad (:

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I'm against it. Humans don't have the right to make artificial life. I say we should study it but not fake it =/

Who says humans don't have that right?

I think if we figure out how, we should at least try it and make sure it actually works, just in case we'll need that at some point in the future. You never know.


It's just I'm afraid of what will happen to the clones after they are made. I have a feeling they won't be set out into society, but taken into labs and used for research and testing.

Maybe not.

But who's to say it won't happen?

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Cloning people that will live and be able to talk just like Us? That 's impossible and it will always be impossible. Just because scientists can clone animals doesn't mean they can clone people. It's way too complex and animals are different then humans. Cloning people is wrong and will never work. Cloning body parts like liver to help sick people...... I don't know too much about it but if it will work I guess it's ok, but I figure that would be extremely expensive. Wouldn't it just be cheaper to get an organ from a dead doner? And cloning animals like cats, well Go ahead I guess but who wants to pay 50,000 dollars for a clone of their cat? I find that pointless.


Overall Cloning people: bad Cloning Organs: Expensive Cloning animals: too expensive for what it's worth

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Who's to say something like that is impossible? Go back 500 years and tell people we would one day fly. To them, that'd be impossible. Who's to say cloning isn't "impossible" in that way?


Even if cloning at the moment is not cost efficient at the moment, things like that can be refined and made cheaper, and if that's the case, it could be a huge step in the scientific world.

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When something is cloned, they use the actual egg from whatever they're cloning, and that turns into the clonebaby. So it's not actually "creating" life. The only difference between the baby (animal food or person) is that they strip it of all dna, and inject it with the DNA of the um... clonee

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  • 2 weeks later...

To me, I believe that cloning is possible... But it is not the right thing to do. Cloning would just be artificial life.. It's not morally right for me. I think it was in the late 1980's that a sheep was cloned, and that was when cloning was introduced. To clone animals for the purpose of food, or any way to assist human beings would be a great step for science, but these clones animals would lack things that real animals have. Maybe the cloned animals would have a shorter life span, or the food that we obtain from them would not be healthy, and so on.


Taken from Wikipedia about Stem Cell Research:


"Human embryonic stem cell research is controversial because, with the present state of technology, starting a stem cell line requires the destruction of a human embryo and/or therapeutic cloning. However, recently, it has been shown in principle that adult stem cell lines can be manipulated to generate embryonic-like stem cell lines using a single-cell biopsy similar to that used in preimplantation genetic diagnosis that may allow stem cell creation without embryonic destruction. It is not the entire field of stem cell research, but the specific field of human embryonic stem cell research that is at the centre of an ethical debate.


Opponents of the research argue that embryonic stem cell technologies are a slippery slope to reproductive cloning and can fundamentally devalue human life. Those in the pro-life movement argue that a human embryo is a human life that is entitled to protection.


Contrarily, supporters of embryonic stem cell research argue that such research should be pursued because the resultant treatments could have significant medical potential. It is also noted that excess embryos created for in vitro fertilization could be donated with consent and used for the research."

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  • 5 weeks later...

I find stem cell resarch as a good idea to study our origins. However I'm not to big on the idea of full cloning of a person. If that happens, everyone will want a clone and the world could overpopulate. It's a guess.


EDIT: Sorry for bumping the topic...

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