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Name Anagram

Captain Awesome Pants

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Ever played those games where you are given a word and you have to make words out of it.


We're going to do something similar here. Take you name (real or the one you use on TDN) and put it into HERE and then list you funniest or favorites here.



-You may use your real name ONCE

-You may use your TDN name every time you get a new one

-No innapropriate anagrams

-If you name includes numbers, either type them out, or don't include them, otherwise it doesn't work

-Be nice, no making fun of anyone

-You may use your full name if you wish, but it is your choice and your responsibility. Choose wisely if you really want to use it or not



That be it.


Kay I do my name now. I'll do my first and middle together.



Laura Ellen:


Laurel Lane

La Lunar Eel


Meh nothing really good for that. :/

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My current display name will be used; The Darkest Faerie.


A Freaked Heir Test (Sounds like the heir of Slytherin got Petrified as a test of the power of the Basilisk... LOL!)

A Dafter Here Kites


These were my two favourites. xD

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I used my real first name only, Meghan, and this is what I got:


Hag Men,

Hang Em,


and my personal favourite:


Hang Me

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I think it's fun that I got three legit anagrams from my four letter name: Tara


A Art <- As a theatre major I must say this is my favorite one.

A Tar <- If only there was a "d" on the end of that one it would be pretty accurate.

A Rat <- My sisters discovered this one early on and called me it from time to time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I replaced my last name with Ruto, so using Morgan Ruto, these were my favorites:


Organ Tumor

Gator Mourn

At Rug Moron

A Groom Runt

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So I used my current screen name and that is what I got......



*drum rolls*







No anagrams found. < Now that, is A first :yes:.

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Chelsea ann


Nasal Hence

Channel Sea

La Enhances

Canal Sheen

Clean Ashen

L'Ashen Acne <-- ewwwww!!! :weird:

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I'm using my fake name (which is my pen name,) Yolanda B.


I could get...


An Old Bay

No Day Lab

Dab Lay On

Olay Band

Bad No Lay


Most of these dont make any sense, but they're somewhat funny otherwise :O

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