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Finals Question


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A quick question on the finals: how much do each game weigh in the finals? or is it that whoever wins yyb wins the match?

Well Since YYB is the most important game, I'm going to say that it would count for a vast majority of the points and an overall win. But since there are no draws, I'm going to assume that if there is a draw in YYB they'll use the other game to determine an overall winner.


But I don't really know...

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There will be no draws in the finals, so yeah, Yooyuball is the all-important deciding game.

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This is the Altador Cup - anything can happen, so surprise us! :P Good luck!

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This is the Altador Cup - anything can happen, so surprise us! :P Good luck!




Surprised? xD


Don't know, I'm trying my best, but it's gonna be difficult for us. At least we still are the best SS team!

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I think in the finals, only YYB counts.


I've heard from many Tyrannians that they have sidegame swept MQ looking at their scores in the neoboards (MQ didn't play MSN and SS, and had MUCH lesser SoSD), yet MQ is still the one to advance.


Though it's most likely like that, we won't know if it's really true unless TNT gives solid evidence/proof.

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