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Hello there,


I've been an avid Neo player for nearly a decade. I've decided to join the forums after getting back into Neo, where I took a few good years off in exile XD.


I currently attend University, I live in Canada, and I'm also a big fan of Transformers.


When it comes to Neo, i'm a huge fan of Jubjubs. I'm currently saving up for a Royal Paint Brush!


Can't wait to get to know everyone here,



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Hello and welcome to TDN Forums! :D You seem to have a lot in common with some well-known members here - quite a few of them joined this site after taking a long Neopets hiatus, a bunch of us (including me :P ) are in university, and the content department head also lives in Canada. So yeah, overall, I think you'll get along just fine! ;)


We are a tad on the insane side though - just back away slowly if anyone looks like they're about to bite. (:


Enjoy yourself!

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Thanks for the greetings! I think I'm used to the 'insane' side of people, I think i'd have to categorize myself as one too! I seem to have an affinity for this place, so expect me to stay here for a long while!


Once again, thanks for the greetings AA and Tivsy!

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