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Could ya'll make up an article on the site that tells when you become which rank, like rookie, TDN zealot, or Super member? I have been curious about the exact amount of posts needed for a while now...


I think there is vague guide floating around the forums somewhere, but I dont really know where, its about 50 or 100 to go up a rank, I doubt there will be anything on the main site though.


For which rank? I mean, like rookie or cool person?


Edit- sorry, that was pointless :*


'Aight, heres a list I just researched!


Fantastic member ~ 1000+ posts

Super Member ~ 400-999 posts

TheDailyNeopets Addict ~ 300-399 posts

TheDailyNeopets Enthusiast ~ 150-299 posts

Not so new Member ~ 30-149 posts

Rookie ~ 1-29 posts


hhmmm, is there a mistake on the forums page then, because people with more than 1000 posts are still Super members,


infact, there are no Fantastic Members, might be a typo on the page you found them, dunno, not really important, but i just like to say nonsense hehe


I beleive it is 2000 posts and up to become a super member.



EDIT: I foud what Ian posted




You may have noticed that some members on the users online list are bolded. These members are considered "Super Members." To become a Super Member, you must have at least 400 posts on the forums. Super Members enjoy the following benefits:

Name Changes - You can change your display name ONCE every 30 days

Mass Private Messaging - You can mass PM 20 people, instead of 10 people

Increased Message Storage - You can store up to 100 messages, instead of 50.

Bolded username - Your name will be more recognized by other members.

Group Icon - A "Super Member" icon will appear on all of your posts.

Certain members also have gold stars and dashed lines by their name. They are considered "Fantastic Members." To become a Fantastic Member, you must have at least 2000 posts on the forums. Fantastic members get numerous benefits, such as the following:

Flood Control - You can avoid all flood controls

More Shoutbox Colors - Fantastic members get more, cooler colors to use in the shoutbox!

Name Changes - You can change your display name TWICE (instead of once) every 30 days

Increased Message Storage - You can also store up to 225 messages now!

Group Icon - You can get a cool "Fantastic Member" icon on all of your posts

Gold Star - A gold star will be placed by your name

Mass Private Messaging - You can now mass PM 50 people, instead of 20

Fantastic Members Only - In this forum, we'll post sneak peaks of new features coming soon... progress, etc.

You should automatically be moved to the respective group, once you have reach the specified amount of posts.


TO CHANGE YOUR MEMBER TITLE (the piece of text under your name and avatar) you must achieve 500 posts. Once 500 posts in achieved, you can change this in the User CP under 'Edit Profile Information'.


Please take note that staff appear in the coloured names, and these cannot be obtainable by any normal member


There are other ones too, in addition to the ones Teh Birfday Cheez mentioned.



Cool Person

TheDailyNeopets Zealot


And I think there are others, but I can't remember them.


Cool- I was just wondering when I would be a super member. Now, I really want to get to 2000 posts!

Cool- I was just wondering when I would be a super member. Now, I really want to get to 2000 posts!

You'll be a Super Member at 400 posts, byt the time you get to 2,000 you'll be a Fantastic Member!


Whee! I wonder who'll be the first fantastic members?


Penguin's leading the list? Hmmm, I've been away too long.


Yeah, Keiko was ahead for the longest time, but she hasn't been on for a while now...


i wonder where she is...

but i know its gonna take me awhile to be a fantastic member


Meh,I'm kinda busy with assignments these days,and my end-of-year exams are coming up.I'll be happy in teh top 10.

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