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The Name's Reema? Coming to the party? WE GOT MUFFINS!


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Hey everyone. My name's Reema. :) I'm new here at TDN. I hope to meet other newbies. Also, if you're on a good neopets guild, could you send me an invite? I'm looking for a guild. :) Thanks! Please introduce yourselves and I'd love to chat!

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Hi Reema and hi Callama :)

Welcome to TDNforums!


I'm Xepha and I like muffins! *steals*

Well that isn't very friendly, isn't it? XD The meepits told me to do it. Sorry.


Yes, everyone around here is a tad insane. I hope you will fell alright with us :D. If you have any questions, just ask away!

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We're more than a tad insane, Xepha! :O How dare you insult the pure, unblemished insanity of TDN!

*ahem* Welcome to TDN Forums, Reema and Callama! I'm AA3. I hope you have a good time here, and remember to read the rules!

Have a cookie, both of you. :P

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Welcome to TDN, you two. o:

I be the Crazy Shenkuu Fan (xD) or you can call me Lion. D:


Enjoy your stay, be active, and remember to read the rules! ;)


Be afraid... be very afraid


Enjoy the crazy world of TDN!

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