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The TDN Stream


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LIVE NOW: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/thedailyneopets/


Hello folks,


Just letting you know that our regularly scheduled TDN stream will be taking place TOMORROW at 7 PM Neopets Standard Time, as opposed to... now. :) We hope you all can make it and have a great time hanging out with us. Sorry about not being able to have one for the past ... oh... 2.97 weeks. Tomorrow for certain, we party!

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Woohoo! Um, where exactly do I get to view this stream?

It's located at www.ustream.tv/channel/thedailyneopets


We'll also create a topic and post the link tomorrow before we begin.

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I'll only be able to show up after two or three hours - think the party can keep going for that long? :P

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woot! I might finally be able to make it to one! Although my sister's graduation party might interfere with it :\


Dude! Myles! You can come watch it at my house! I'll make popcorn!


And oh, I'll have to see if I can come. I don't even know what we are doing tonight, sooo...

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Dude! Myles! You can come watch it at my house! I'll make popcorn!


And oh, I'll have to see if I can come. I don't even know what we are doing tonight, sooo...

okay, where & when. oh, and how the heck am I supposed to get there :P


and just so you know, popcorn makes me want to barf.



oh, and I downloaded skype last night, Is that the only program I need?

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I'll see if I can make it. I may be napping at that time so I don't fall asleep at the movie we're catching at midnight. I missed the last one you hosted due to dinner :P

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What exactly is the TDN stream? That's like 9:00 here

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okay, where & when. oh, and how the heck am I supposed to get there :P


and just so you know, popcorn makes me want to barf.



oh, and I downloaded skype last night, Is that the only program I need?


When: when the stream starts, silly.

Where: My house. :P

How the heck you are supposed to get here: FLY! :O


Well if popcorn makes you want to barf, I'll make spaghetti. :D

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