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It was in the NT Editorial today about the Neoadventure one... apparently, they haven't been getting enough entries :( I'd assume the Faerie Caves one is the same.


I haven't heard anything about the Faerie Caves one. Aren't there people still winning after all?


Interesting... Yeah, so I guess that it will be a retired contest after this week...


I haven't heard anything about the Faerie Caves one. Aren't there people still winning after all?


I believe that I read it on Todays news for the weekend...



Congratulations hippoppopatus_luver! Thanks to your level - The Pit of Tartarus, you are now the proud owner of a Faerie Caves Spotlight trophy. Next week will be the final time this spotlight is judged so please get all of you entries in before next Thursday

Aww well. I guess there are other things on the site we could do, but I'm sure it'll be greatly missed by the frequent enter-ers. :P


I love NeoAdventures! When I first joined I played them all the time, and I love to check out the spotlight winners. I love to make them too -- on my old main account I had a Jeopardy-like one, and I've been working on this one involving time travel. I was planning on entering it for the spotlight, but I guess that's not gonna happen. D:


At least they're not taking the whole feature down, so you can still make and play them. :3 But they really should give it some attention and get more people interested in it, then they wouldn't have to close the spotlight.

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