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Yeah, happened to be twice too :/ . I just restarted the game and continued. ( waste of time >;O)


It's starting to do that to me as well. Everytime the goalie catches the yooyu, it will disappear and I have to restart in order for it to come back. I noticed that the game also started to progressively slow down until everything was in slow motion and I couldn't get 1200 pts. anymore.


That has happened to me, too!


I was a little worried when it happened. I thought it was just me.




Well, if the game is actually starting to slow down, it might be a problem on your computer. Have you considered trying a different browser or (*shudder*) restarting it?


I know what your saying, I've had the problem with SSD lagging also. My home PC is about 10 years old, (I know ancient). After about 15 or so games it slows down so much that you can't get the time bonus for 1200. All I usually have to do is refresh the firefox and speeds back up. Just be ready when you do, because your eyes will have become adjusted to watching the game be slow, but after a while you get used to it!


I haven't gotten the Ball-Disapearing one yet, but I do get another glitch. Both at home and at work.

The ball won't move, nor the power-meter thing or whatever you want to clall it, but the time keeps counting and the goalkeeper keeps moving. Clicking agian on the game area doens't do anything to help either. It only happens every so often, (less today than during signups and the first 2 days) and a lot of the time it happens mid game after I hit the goalpost, or after i submit a score and go to another window to update my scores or do somethign else for a while...


*Edit* Funny, I hadn't had the ball disapear until after I posted. Just got a missing ball, right after the goalkeeper caught one.


To put it frankly, this is why I hate Adobe Flash. It needn't actually be a problem on TNT's part, Flash can mess up all by itself...


Of course, submitting bug reports to TNT is always a good idea. :yes:

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