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ok im rly mad. all LD supporters ill be gone till 3:00 on tuesday. ITS NOT FAIR i have school so ill be in science class and epic battle will be going on between MI and us. anybody else got school and cant play most of the day???


plz LD play hard till thursday. (my school lets out thursday) its unfair!! when im home ill play my hardest. :grrr:







I have school too. It sucks because this is Krawk Island's schedule:

Tue: HW

Wed: SK

Thu: RI

Fri: DC

Then on saturday we have MQ, thank god I can play then because Maraqua has some dedicated players this year.

My school gets out on the 12th of June :grrr:


wait sooo on tuesday u have school??? ok thats good theres people on the other side that have school so its fair yay. still it stinks.



man KI's schedule stinks the first few days. especcially shenkuu. dosnt this stink?? RAWRRRRR! SAME WITH US 12 of june.




Guest Krawk Islander

I end on June 5th, and it should have been later. I can play some games, but not as many as I had predicted.


I'm in High School and I only have exams this week. Tommarow I have SPanish which is my last major exam =]

So I really will be able to play all Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday i have an exam from 7:30-9:30 though. But after that I should be back on. I'll play extra hard just for you :D


i end on........ the 4th but we play mystery island and meridell pretty good teams. we also play terror mountain but their nothing of a threat. fellow LD mates play hard till 3:00 PM and keep playing. but ill be home at 3:00 so PLAY HARD PLZZZZZZZ!!!! go go go go LD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






Well, my Masters degree is letting me off the hook early but my part-time work as professor is not. hopefully I can still make great articles for everyone! :D


I have school all week, and it doesn't help because Kiko Lake's schedule looks full on all week :l I'm going to play late into the night and gather as many wins as possible! And my school still has 6 weeks left, so there's no taking any breaks :(


I shall remain optimistic and make sure no-one else in my household can get on the computer at night times though!

My last day was May 19th. I love being in college, haha. :D


I am feeling the same way right now. My last day was May 12th. Go college. haha


Honestly, I'm loving the early start, partly because that means I'll get six days in before summer semester starts for me at college. And it gives me more time before my job starts, assuming anyone hires me.


Sorry but tomorrow (2nd June) IS my last day *hides under a rock*.


Actually I have exams between the 10th and 24th June and I probably wont be able to play at all those two weeks so stop complaining because of a few hours of school. Anyway if you just play as much as you can, when you can you will still be able to help your team a lot and get a good score, people from all different teams have other things to do during the altador cup, its not only Ld'ers or other teams!


You guys are all lucky. I don't get out until June 19th (due to a major ice storm we had in December), so I won't be able to really play for another 3 WEEKS!!!


Thankfully, many teams are most likely facing this issue, so no team really has the upperhand.


Finished my grade last friday, so I'll be able to give my best on this cup!

Last year I was working, so I couldn't play much. Hope I can beat my last year scores!

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