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Why are some people on neopets so odd?


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So I was on the AC boards, asking to be lent FQD.

And some person (person A) said that I should get more avatars before asking to be lent,

but right after a person (person B ) offered to lend me for free.

And then person A accuses me of being a scammer, even though they don't know me.

Like what?!

Anywho, person B still lent me,

and I returned the FQD after getting the avatar.


So, yeah has anything like this ever happend to you? ^_^

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Last night, someone had a quick random contest to lend MSPP. After the winner was chosen, half the people posting to the board just kept posting that they didn't believe that the lend actually happened. They kept accusing the lender of being a liar about owning an MSPP, and there were also people accusing the borrower of already having had the avvie before the lend. Dozens of people were posting "I didn't see your avatar count change when you supposedly got the avvie..."


It was pure nonsense. Some people are just really annoying. I guess they can't help it, or something.

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i like lurking around the trading post and if there is one thing that ticks me totally off its there peeps that offer 10 junk items for FREE, but please sent a nice item,

or FREE trades (: whatever you offer WILL go in the next FREE trades, please, if possible no junk.

or FREE items, 100 np is auto

or FREE! :) (no junk please, donations for more free trades are always appreciated).


the best one i've seen in months: FREE OR BEST OFFER!! OR YOU CAN TRADE A NEGG!! :) My gosh, if i can have it for free, why would i offer a negg? am i stupid?


Sometimes i wish i could jsut throw them with a dictionary so they can read up what means the word FREE


*end or rant*

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Yup, I avoid the Neoboards for that reason as well. :yes: Too many of the people there are... irritating.


TDN > Neoboards :jerrypteri:


Although I wouldn't call the people on the Neoboards odd... TDNers are much odder. Heck, we're insane! (:

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There's a big difference between insanity and stupidity.

Now that is the most clear, concise differentiation of TDN and the Neoboards that I have ever seen. :P

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Hooray, I said something clear and concise! :P Of course, unlike TDN's insanity, not everyone on the Neoboards is stupid.

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I, too, have met some strange people on the neoboards, but after being reported for scamming (I was trading with someone and we were negotiating), I developed a tendency to not go anywhere near them, save for the roleplaying boards.


You want weird people; try seeing 70% of all the boards on there revolving around the same 'high school, teen, mutants, haunted house' themes. After awhile it gets ridiculous. Not to mention the people who post the 'Literates Are Stupid' boards....


-end of mini-rant-

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Lol, I totally agree with you, Harbinger. ^_^

And with everyone else at the fact that;

TDNforums are waay better than the neoboards. c:


You want weird people; try seeing 70% of all the boards on there revolving around the same 'high school, teen, mutants, haunted house' themes. After awhile it gets ridiculous. Not to mention the people who post the 'Literates Are Stupid' boards....


-remembers not to go near those topics-

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The only thing that has ever happened with me was one person kept asking me to say please. When i did they left my board. Awesome.

You were asking to be lent an expensive item without collat and you didn't even say please? I completely see where the other person was coming from :/ I flatly refuse to lend anyone who doesn't say please, thats the main reason I never visit the AC much anymore lol Every time I do I get buried with people begging to be lent for free >_< And no manners to boot!


I've always been a firm believer in earning your avatars *shrugs*

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