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I've been trying to do the altador plot for quite a while now. I got to the vaeolus a while ago but have never been able to heal it! I even followed the in depth guide on this site! this is what i did in like 20 minutes!

10:03:00 check in 10:11:00 check in 10:19:00 check in

: feed :feed :medicine

:04:00 check in :12:00 check in :20:00 check in

: wait :wait :feed

:05:00 check in :13:00 check in :21:00 check in

:wait :medicine :feed

:06:00 check in :14:00 check in :22:00 check in

:wait :bandage :bandage

:07:00 check in :15:00 check in

:bandage :feed

:08:00 check in :16:00 check in

:feed :medicine

:09:00 check in :17:00 check in

:feed :feed

:10:00 check in :18:00 check in

:feed :feed


So that was a big waste of time! All the places I've been to say that you do it ten time and you're done! It never works! Im getting sick of this! Can anyone help me? please... :crying:

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And of course, if you're trying a method that should work but somehow doesn't, just take a break and come back later. :yes: The Vaeolus is a quirky fellow, and is rather prone to randomly refusing to be healed.

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