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Staff Applications


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I was looking on another forum today, and I was thinking. This forum, as well as Wikipedia, when hiring staff (admins on WP), gives example scenarios to applicants, such as asking moderators how they would handle situations. I was thinking that this was a good policy, and I wanted to suggest it to TDN staff as well.



Some example questions might be:


News Staff

You see a site copying word for word news without credit that you posted on the TDN main site. What would you do?



A member with a long good behavior history has recently been acting inflammatory to other users. How would you handle this situation?

Suggested answer: PM the user to find out what has happened recently, then take action if necessary.


And so on, and so forth.

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I'm not exactly sure how this would be helpful... when people apply, they have to describe their qualification or provide a sample of work. Also, anyone hired is in probation and trained by the head of department. Staff also have a code of conduct to follow.

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I understand that. However, this might help screen applicants faster. For example, an applicant for moderator might prove that they know all the rules, but if you can spot a problem with that applicant, such as being extremely too harsh/lenient, then you wouldn't have to put the applicant on trial at all.

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Hi there! Thank you for this suggestion. In all honesty, I haven't thought of doing it this way before and we may consider doing this in the future whenever we go on a "hiring spree." ;)


Thanks again! b) Let us know if you have any more suggestions.

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