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Another Darigan Tonu Thread

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Hi all,

So i`ve been trying to get the Darigan Tonu avatar for a while, but i`ve yet to find someone who will actually follow through with the battle. Another think they can help me out or know of someone who can? Thanks :)

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I don't usually battle with people other than ones that I really know, but since you're a forum member I'll change my settings and you can send me a request. :)


I'm under 13 so you can't send me neomail, but if something goes wrong, drop me a PM. ;)

*goes to PM you*


Oh, and yes, I have a darigan tonu. :P

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  • 1 month later...

Would you be willing to fight me also? I neomailed someone else last week and they haven't gotten back to me. I have a Lupe if you would like/need the "Hello, little Lupe... BOOOM!" avvie.


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