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on fashion : Hello! ^^

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Just introducing my self, I'm angelica, I'm from Chile, South America ...and I have been on neopets for about 62 months now..yeah kind of old

well that's about all

hugs ^^

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Welcome to TDNForums Angelica. :)


My name's Stephanie.

Great to see another new poster around here, just make sure you read the rules. ;)

If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to PM any of us, or post another topic.

The snack table's to your left, feel free to take anything from there (but I advise you not the cookies yet....:evil:)


I guess I'll just see you around! *waves*

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Hi! Welcome to TDN Forums, the friendliest Neopets community on the net. (it's official!)

I'm Lion.


The Snack Table is to your left, but don't take the cookies! o_O


Remember to read the rules!

And I guess that concludes this post. I'll see you around then!

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Chile!! That sounds exciting, I would love to go there someday! Not to sound totally stupid but what is the major language spoken there? Spanish? Gah I am so culturally retarded sometimes. *bonk*

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Welcome and hope you enjoy it around here :)


Feel free to ask any questions, we like questions!


Chile sounds nice!!! I want to visit there someday. It's on the wishlist!


See you around!

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Welcome, Angelica! I'm Lyndsie (but some people call me Lynz). Hope you like it here, even though some of us are a little weird. :D

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