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HTML Help Needed


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Hey, thanks for taking the time to read this.


As mentioned on my lookup, I don't want it to be really flashy or anything. I was just wondering if I could make the font on there the same as the one on my Neoboards (Book Antiqua, size 2) and if it's possible, how.


Thank you very much! ^_^

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Put this CSS in there:


body {
font: 0.9em "Book Antiqua", serif;


I am not entirely sure what size "2" is but change the 0.9em around to get it to change. 0.8 making it smaller and 1em making it larger. :)


I use Em for font measurements because px is politically incorrect now for coding, pt is a size for printers and percents are just not my style. % or Em is ideal. Also by adding 'serif' after your Book Antiqua font it is telling the computer basically: "If you don't have the font Book Antiqua installed the font will change to a default serif font that will look somewhat like Book Antiqua", since not everyone has the same fonts.


Serif meaning feet, as in the fonts with the little "feet", not smooth and round fonts. :)

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Wow. :O That's complicated. At least, to me, it is. HTML was never really my strong point. Thank you so much for your help!


EDIT: Wait, another question. >_> .... <_< .... Where do I put the font?


DOUBLE KILL EDIT: It made... the actual font on my lookup different.




It highlights everything when you mouse over it. I was just wondering how to change the stuff at the top. Oh my, I'm becoming a problem. -scratches forehead-

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What miss mimi gave you was actually CSS code.

CSS is used to style the things you have already added in HTML code.


to change the font-size and all,

you'll have to add css styling to the font.

You can pm me if you need any help on CSS or HTML or anything.

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body {
font: 0.8em "Book Antiqua", serif;

<p>Tenshikon is not my pet- she's me! Read my page for more information.</p>

<p>I started Neopets when I was in, oh, third or fourth grade? My very first account was Capp1172, which has been eaten by time (as in, it no longer exists.) Being young, I made numerous accounts over the years as I was on and off Neopets. My most successful one was <a href=http://www.neopets.com/userlookup.phtml?user=moon_child_1172><font size="2">moon_child_1172</font></a>. I've lost the password to it, or I would go back and take my stuff and Pyro, my baby, and most impacting roleplay/story character ever. Anyway, that account gives you an idea of just how long I've been here. So I know my way around a bit, even if I've taken hiatuses. Looking back, I think the pet descriptions on moon_child_1172 are extremely corny- I was copying off of artists and higher-end roleplayers who's characters had connections with each other. -sighs- Oh, to be young and foolish!</p>

<p>I'm not one for flashy lookups, as they take longer to load. I may display a nice banner/link to a page from time to time, though. I accept neomails, but don't expect me to respond if you butcher the English language and grammer system. If I don't reply, I'm either busy or I just don't like you.</p>

<p>I roleplay, but I haven't in a while so I'm only a bit higher than semi-lit. I currently don't do battledomes. Friend requests will most likely be rejected (it's not you, really.) I'm usually the one to make them and I won't ever friend someone, or accept a request, after one neomail (okay, it is you.) If I get a guild invite, I'll look at it, but if it sucks I'm not going to waste any more time.</p>


You had an opened link at the end of your code. I removed it... but if you want to link to something, make sure to close your link tag this way :


<a href="http://www.neopets.com/">This is a link to neopets</a>

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DOUBLE KILL EDIT: It made... the actual font on my lookup different.


You said you wanted to change your font on your lookup so that's what the code did. If you are just wanting to change the font on the top paragraph, make it something like this:


#description {
font: 0.8em "Book Antiqua", serif;

<div id="description">
<p>Tenshikon is not my pet- she's me! Read my page for more information.</p>

<p>I started Neopets when I was in, oh, third or fourth grade? My very first account was Capp1172, which has been eaten by time (as in, it no longer exists.) Being young, I made numerous accounts over the years as I was on and off Neopets. My most successful one was <a href=http://www.neopets.com/userlookup.phtml?user=moon_child_1172><font size="2">moon_child_1172</font></a>. I've lost the password to it, or I would go back and take my stuff and Pyro, my baby, and most impacting roleplay/story character ever. Anyway, that account gives you an idea of just how long I've been here. So I know my way around a bit, even if I've taken hiatuses. Looking back, I think the pet descriptions on moon_child_1172 are extremely corny- I was copying off of artists and higher-end roleplayers who's characters had connections with each other. -sighs- Oh, to be young and foolish!</p>

<p>I'm not one for flashy lookups, as they take longer to load. I may display a nice banner/link to a page from time to time, though. I accept neomails, but don't expect me to respond if you butcher the English language and grammer system. If I don't reply, I'm either busy or I just don't like you.</p>

<p>I roleplay, but I haven't in a while so I'm only a bit higher than semi-lit. I currently don't do battledomes. Friend requests will most likely be rejected (it's not you, really.) I'm usually the one to make them and I won't ever friend someone, or accept a request, after one neomail (okay, it is you.) If I get a guild invite, I'll look at it, but if it sucks I'm not going to waste any more time.</p></div>



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It worked... I think? -shrug- Either way, I'm happy with it and I'm not going to bother with it anymore. Maybe one day I'll get a proper lookup. Eh.


Thank you guys so much! ~<3

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Hmm.. it doesn't look any different to me. :( You can change that font size remember, then it will be bigger. You could try doing 1em..

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Well now, instead of simply asking for people's help in creating your own page, why not learn html yourself? You dotn even need CSS, just html, to create great layouts etc. Im no expert myself, having just started learning ^^, but here: http://www.w3schools.com/html/DEFAULT.asp, this site offers one of the most comprehensive and easy ways to learn html. I strongly advice you to try it out :D

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