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I QUIT!!!!


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Is there some great and powerful item in store when I finally get past the stupid petpet and finish the plot? Is there any reason for me to do this plot at all aside from making myself extremely angry?


Any advice on not getting so stressed would be hugely appreciated. Grrrrr.


I may just kill the darned petpet thing.

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Don't worry x_x there is a daily prize but that doesn't give much and the items that you get when finishing it and the shiny medal on your userlookup and the even-shinyer site theme

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i was having a hard time on the trying to get past the petpet too, i'd get so frustrated... but not yell or anything..

but once i finally got passed it, it felt awesome xD


yes, you get a site theme... shiny trophy... an avatar... and a free item everyday if you complete the plot.


Good Luck!!!

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If you don't get the avatar after taking care of the petpet 10 times(even though you kind of know you did it correctly) You have to go back to the room, and take care of it again.


You might just have made a mistake. Then you have to go back before it works again!

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