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whats your favorite color?

crazy monkey

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If I had to pull a Sophie's choice, it would be cerulean just as the Crayola crayon portrayed it. Otherwise, I actually enjoy all colors, but I admit that I only accept certain hues of orange and purple, and I hold deep dislike towards brown and black.

May someone please link that "My color is ___" quiz? At least, I'm guessing that's from a quiz and not simply a personalized signature picture. Thanks in advance.

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my favorite color is blue but i also like other colors as well, like lime green, silver, red, and pretty much all the other colors xD there's not reason to hate 'em is there??

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I must admit that I have always been partial to black, even as a young child. That used to frustrate my mum to no end, since she really wanted me to be a girly-girl, and I really wasn't. Luckily, my sister turned out to be really feminine.


But, I guess that since black isn't actually a colour, I will have to choose purple or dark red.

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Tehe. I'm a fan of the color pink :]

i cant stand the color pink to no end!


I must admit that I have always been partial to black, even as a young child. That used to frustrate my mum to no end, since she really wanted me to be a girly-girl

i also think that my mom wanted me to be a girly-girl, but she gave up when i was 6

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Blue, especially light blue. It is the color of the sky, and water. Just so pretty :)

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My favorite color is green. I actually like olive green and the type of green you see on trees and such. Natural green. No neon. :P

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