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Fave type of food


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Yeah I am tired of seeing the same posts over and over so I thought I'd try to liven up TDN with some new posts! Let's get active, hehe!


Anyway, what is your favorite type of food? Me personally, I love Italian.. Gah, give me noodles and some kind of sauce and I could eat it the rest of my life!!

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Haha, I actually love plain old American food, since I basically eat Chinese all the time (being that my parents are Chinese and they only know how to cook Chinese).

I dunno, but I'm dying for a steak :P

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well I love japanese food, ramen (true ramen, not the boil water put some pasta and voila!), squid, all types of fish, and I love spicy food :D I hate chicken and vegetables, and love some kinds of fruits.


What's funny about that is that I LOVE chicken and vegetables but there is not a single piece of seafood you could FORCE me to eat!

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My family has Chinese everyday, like Will, I don't think my mum'll know how to cook a whole chicken...o_O (no, seriously)

I love vegetables: broccoli, brussel sprouts, cucumber, zucchini, capsicum, bok choy and the list goes on...

Seafood: Sushi, fish, fish, but not crayfish...

Meat in general.


Pasta is delicious as well. :)


Basically I'm an all-rounder eater that's not really afraid to try anything, as long as I think it looks edible XP

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I'm afraid I don't share your love of Italian food. I'm so sick of it. I live in a city that is fairly dominated by Italian culture. That leaves not much other choice of restaurants here. Other than a handful of "white" Chinese places, all the restaurants are Italian. Everything is so Italian that we don't even have the major pizza chains because they aren't Italian enough for the locals. The homegrown pizza here is pretty amazing though. ^_^


I like such a wide variety of different ethnic foods: German, Szechuan, Scandinavian, Cajun...


Steak, burgers, sausage, chicken. Any seafood, especially squid. Almost all veggies, except potato. Berries...


And, COOKIES! Only homemade ones. Store-bought cookies are usually pretty gross. And pie. And the pulla from the Finnish bakery...


I think I might need a snack.

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I'm not too big on German food although my mother is. When I was little and she made me eat at German restaurants I would pout and order chicken. ;)


Also when I was volunteering at the Humane Society we were right next door to a German restaurant (... I know right?!) and we were trying to catch these strays to get them fixed and then we were just going to release them again. Well the owner of the German place swore we were going to kill the cats for some reason and would always disarm our little traps we made. The traps were just little metal cages with some foods in it. <3


Long story short I finally talked to her and promised we were not going to hurt the cats. We got them fixed and let them go, they still hung out! Happy!


I swore that I would never eat at her restaurant, though. It made me mad!

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I love Italian. I grew up eating it since my mom's first marriage was to an Italian guy and she was pretty young, so it was the first thing she learned to cook.


Now that I'm older, I eat things other than Italian (but if I'm strapped for time or an idea, Italian's my fall-back). I love Chinese and Japanese food. This works out well for me since my husband just got done with being stationed in Okinawa for two years. At first he was sick of me wanting Chinese and Japanese, but he started to miss the flavors. I'm not too big on seafood, but I make exceptions for my husband since he's eating what I love more frequently ^_^


I also love pies and cobbler. I can never have enough of just about any kind. In the summer I always have a cobbler on hand. Back where I used to live, my friends would come over as frequently as possible to steal some >_<

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I adore Italian food too. <3 Pasta, soup, anything.

My grandmother grew up in Germany and she's amazing at cooking, so I've grown up with a fondness for that too. But the vegetarian part of me still thinks Italian is best.


Greek is also pretty good.

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I eat mostly chinese food also since my mum only cooks chinese food and I also like seafood very much like fish (especially those steamed fish in those resturants) and many others. I would love to try a lobster someday if I have the chance.


I also love Yam paste if anyone know what this is and fried rice.

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I'm such a foodie! I, unfortunately, have an allergy to sea food/fish and I haven't tried shell fish just to be safe. Aside from that, I just love food! I adore authentic Japanese ramen, and German well any thing (roast whole chicken ftw). And Italian is ooy gooy, yummylicious. French food is delicate and wonderful, I looves me a good nutella crepe. I have a friend, can't recall what country he is from, but he makes this chicken lumpia that is to die for! oh, and mexican/hispanic food is great too! I love hand made guacamole! And a good fajita fresh off the grill. I also love good 'ole' messy southern style BBQ with sweet and spicy sauces. Speaking of sauces, gotta love "bar food" like buffalo wings and cheesy fries. Oh, and we can't forget a good sandwich. I mean like an awesome, hand made, all the toppings and maybe a tooth pick through it to hold it together type sandwich. My friends think my love of sandwiches is crazy! Yup, big 'ole' foodie here.

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ewww italian food, ;p unlike most of you it seems i cant stand that stuff my bf loves it tho ooo cept toasted ravioli . Ive discovered a love for sushi just recently spicy tuna mmmmm. Shimp and crab mmm why does it have to be so late. I also love american food cheese burgers and taco bell ... I dont consider taco bell mexican >.> my mom lived in mexico and cooks that stuff all the time. And i know its weird but i hate pretty much all candy I hate sweets chocolates and stuff =/.

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I love to eat sea foods i am [removed by mod] mad of sea foods i eat all types of fishes,shells,lobsters and many,,,,,, and i love to have normal food with sea foods not chinese food,,,,





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I love trying anything I can get my hands on. I've consumed durian, natto, and kombucha to my friends' disgust. I really enjoy sushi and sashimi, relish a good curry, taste-test the offerings of true dim sum (if it's not on a cart, it's not dim sum, sorry), and wallow in tapas. I have a soft spot for the aforementioned kombucha, chilies, most sweet fruits, and seafood of all types. I have yet to lock lips with raw oysters, but I'm just waiting for the right season for consumption. A lot of my culinary curiosity is fueled by my Filipino-American duality culture plus a healthy serving of Food Network (back when it was good). Alton Brown and Anthony Bourdain are my two favorites from that realm. They both open up the mind and palate to new experiences in their own ways.

The only things that I dislike are American raised chicken (way too bland) and cooked bell peppers (just never taste right to me). I'll still eat them if they're in front of me, but I wouldn't pick them if I had a selection on a menu.

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