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N. Korea - Gone Nuclear


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We made predictions about it in Socials - current events.....


The best way for Korea to a) transport the weapons, and b) sell them & send them away, and c) bomb a place up would be with the cargo....cause a lot of fuel comes in.....& out....


Next, they're either gonna threaten some country & ask for money, or sell it to somebody & get money, & that somebody will bomb a place up.....


Or they might not use them at all & let them sit and rot. very unlikely...

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It all depends on what their mentally unstable dictator decides.


Yep!!! Hahaha.....that's actualy funny....I also think they're gonna try & bomb south korea, cause even though it said the war is over, they're still disagreeing.... a lot...... & poof! They drop a bomb, the bomb goes off - no more south korea, no disagreement....


Lol .

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  • 4 weeks later...

Are you absolutely nuts? Have you even heard what some of those extremist have been saying for the past ten years!?!


And not to mention the I would be *extremely* concerned living where you are living. (Assuming your profile location).





Edit: That was in reaction to

WOOT the Jihadists!
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In theory. In reality - No.


However, I'm not talking about most muslims - maybe what you are thinking. I'm not talking about the 95% + muslims that do not support violence. The ones that live normal lives throughout the world.


However, I'm talking about the strain of radical muslims that are a threat to us all. These are the Jihadists. These are the ones launched the attacks in the US, UK, Russia, France, Isreal, Spain, Iraq and Africa (the Arab muslims like to kill the Black muslims). These are the ones (like Hezbollah) who have rooted themselves in the 55 muslim governments across the world. These are the ones that twist the ideas and opinions of their people toward violence.


When you posted back, I went on the internet to find examples of speeches and terror attack relating to this. I found this http://www.obsessionthemovie.com/12min.htm *. (It's a really interesting movie clip. I was suprised that I haven't heard about this before.)


* Really watch the movie at your own caution.


~ http://www.obsessionthemovie.com/timeline.htm ~ Timeline of Violence



This will be my last post on this kinda off topic idea. Feel free to respond, but I won't post anymore after this unless it is N. Korea related.

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