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April Fools'!


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Here is the stuff I found so far...

-Green layout

-YOU CAN'T LOAD YOUR INVENTORY! This is going to get annoying fast -_-

-Account Type: Millionaire Platinum

Current Balance: 1,100,937 NP

Interest Rate: 9.5% per year


They lowered the interest rates with no announcement, so it has to be a prank...


ETA1: As of 5 minutes past midnight NST, you now can't load the front page, because they removed all the content within <body>. (Won't the advertisers be pissed? =P)


ATM I am just annoyed tbh if this is going to go on all day... or even for more than an hour, because most of us don't have hours to waste with half the site down (I think they're taking it down page by page...) I hope they have something funny and restore the inventory and index, because this is just REALLY aggravating. *tears hair out* I want to keep checking for my Lulu prize!


ETA2: Other stuff found... 'Plantopia!' http://www.neopets.com/explore.phtml The games room header has been replaced with 'Gaming Plants'. http://www.neopets.com/games/arcade.phtml rofl

Also, the new Plantopia layout hasn't been set for the NC mall (yet?).


ETA3: Tombola guy is stuck on needing 1 NP donations.


ETA4: Sorry to be a poor sport, but THIS IS REALLY GETTING TO ME.


'The Grundo Leader attacks!!! He steals 'Counting Babaas''


I compulsively put all my items in the SDB when I get them, no matter if they are worth 1 NP or 100k NP. I'm scared of losing any other things I might have, so I guess I'll stop browsing the site until a fix is found -_- Edit: Polemarch helpfully suggested using the Quick Stock page.



Go to the Money Tree, get an item, then click 'Back to your Inventory'. It takes you to your inventory =) Keep that tab or window open, and hit back each time you want to re-access your inventory, then re-click 'Back to Your Inventory'

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Click explore and it brings up "coming soon: plantopia" above the map and if you click games it has "gaming plants" below the toolbar.


The homepage is missing too :)

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Are you kidding me about the interest rates?! I was getting ready to upgrade my bank account to the 2mil one! D:


Also, is the green theme only available today? I love it!


The avatar did not work for me. :( I want it so bad!

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I wish I wasn't :x This could actually be really annoying for people with huge interest rates and massive balances. I want the avatar too =x I was looking forward to it. Maybe there'll be some way of obtaining it later. Considering the inventory went missing minutes before the index, I think they're still implementing everything.

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Oh also check out the Tombola guy...


Ugggh... out of cash :(


Wouldn't you know it, I just gave my last Neopoints away to somebody, so I have none left to buy prizes with :( So anyway, I'm taking donations so I can get my Tombola up and running again... if you donate you will be helping the poor and needy of Neopia, and I'm sure that kindness will come back to you one day!


I need 1 NP before I can re-open!

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Also, is the green theme only available today? I love it!


The green theme is available year-round to everyone in the preferences area.

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Yeah, it's stuck there too >__<


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The green theme is available year-round to everyone in the preferences area.


Oh really? Huh, I feel kinda dumb for not knowing that. I'm going to start using it!

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The avatar didn't work for me too, but I don't have problems with the bank.

Ahh and the inventory doesn't work and I have some neggs to open. :crying_blow:

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which avvie? the "googles" one? it worked for me but it says it doesn't count



I think that's a default one... I've had it for ages.



The avatar for today is the Quiguki April Fools avatar.

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The lack of inventory is insanely annoying. *paws at eggs in SDB*


Also, the hidden tower is empty . . . I checked it out in hopes they'd stick in some 'joke' items for cheap and thus let me get an avvie (even if the April Fool's avvie isn't showing), but alas . . .


Due to 400 metric tons of madvine engulfing the premises, Queen Fyora has closed the Hidden Tower until further notice.
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