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Ok, so I love the key quest game! I gotta admit, I'm addicted. I play ar least once on weekdays and a ton over the weekends. I also love TDN's key quest guide . My favorite section is the tokens. As I have recently begun collecting the plushies, I decided to make my self a chart of which plushies went with which alignments. (You see, I like knowing which alignment my token is when I'm selecting a home base). Any way, since I like TDN so much, I thought I would share my list with all of you! I will not be using all of the images, but all tokens will have the same names as in the official TDN guide. On to the good stuff!


Royalboy Gelert

Royalgirl Gelert

Royalboy Scorchio

Royalgirl Scorchio

Red Scorchio

Plushie Wocky

Gold Gelert

Yellow Kougra

Purple Scorchio

Camouflage Kougra

Christmas Wocky

Speckled Scorchio

Robot Kacheek

Gold kyrii

Gold Blumaroo

Gold usul



Yellow Poogle

Speckled Acara

Pink Quiggle

Yellow Flotsam

Speckled Quiggle

Speckled Kiko

Red Acara

Blue Koi

Cloud Floatsam

Disco Kiko

Christmas Quiggle

Purple Kiko




Green Cybunny

Striped Cybunny

Plushie Mynci

Yellow Xweetok

Pink Cybunny

Orange Kougra

Blue Elephante

Spotted Kau

Camouflage Poogle

Speckled Uni

Cloud Meerca

Island Jubjub

Island Kacheek

Island Bruce

Silver Gelert

Silver Shoyru

Silver Aisha

Green Kacheek

Striped Xweetok

Strawberry Poogle

Strawberry Usul

Strawberry Jubjub

Red Ixi

Purple Kau

Spotted Mynci

Striped Usul

Green Shoyru

Yellow Usul

Green Kau

Orange Lupe

Striped Ixi

Camouflage Wocky

Spotted Cybunny

Robot Mynci




Red Meerca

Royalboy Uni

Royalgirl Uni

Brown Uni

Cloud Kougra

Plushie Jubjub

Gold Shoyru

Cloud Uni

Starry Elephante

Faerie Acara

Faerie Ixi

Faerie Aisha

Orange Meerca

Rainbow Chomby

Speckled Elephante

Orange Aisha

Spotted Aisha

Disco Elephante

Red Pteri

Pink Elephante

Robot Jubjub





Blue Bruce

Pink Bruce

Yellow Kacheek

Starry Grundo

Gold Aisha



Speckled Bruce


Blue Chomby

Split Grundo

Rainbow Blumaroo

Rainbow Wocky

Disco Chomby

Christmas Bruce

Smiley Negg

Starry Poogle

Starry Acara

Starry Kau

Princess Amira



Electric Shoyru

Electric Wocky

Electric Cybunny

Pink Korbat

Electric Gelert

Halloween Acara

Halloween Jubjub

Halloween Kacheek


Electric Lupe

The Darkest Faerie

Ylana Skyfire





If I missed any or have any of them wrong, feel free to let me know. If you guys like this, maybe we can get it pinned ^_^! And to the mods, I wasn't sure exactly which section to put this post in, sorry if I made a mistake. Anyway, enjoy!


While your work is impressive I don't personally find the need for them listed by elements. Someone else might find it handy, though. :)


Yep, it was a tough decision to take... serie or elements. I went with serie because it's easier for collectors... and alignment don't have such an impact on the game (at this time). XD


Nice list however :D

Yep, it was a tough decision to take... serie or elements. I went with serie because it's easier for collectors... and alignment don't have such an impact on the game (at this time). XD


Nice list however :D

i beg to differ, i find if i take my mynci and land on the green leaf square i get the super power up (someTIMES the two key graber) and at least another turn, or protection from bad effects for two turns, etc...it is certainly worth it to make sure you start on the right side of the board as your special circle to maximize your chances of getting the super power up and the good effects.


It's 1 tile on the board.

It doesn't have much effect because of that.


The way the tokens are currently organised makes it easy to show the bonus token you get for collecting all of a serie. And you can still check what your alignment is.

Yep, it was a tough decision to take... serie or elements. I went with serie because it's easier for collectors... and alignment don't have such an impact on the game (at this time). XD


Nice list however :D

Please let me be clear, I love the way you listed it. I think it works well for collectors. I'm just a cross reference fiend my self, and figured I'd share my efforts for any one else who like to play off the alignment spots ^_~!

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