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sign me up please :P I will definitely post again if I do get the avatar :) this is a great idea.


EDIT: Username: ungjit_65 I forgot to include it originally. Sorry.




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Id like to join my usernam is kurt___






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Oh add me to the list! Sound like an awesome way to make new friends!



p/s: I already have the avater but I'll be happy to help =D

Excellent idea by the way!

Thanks Ludachick! And a big thanks to everyone else who has helped make this successful. We are so close to having 100 people on the list, so be sure to let your fellow avatar seekers know about the list. So far we've helped at least 5 people get the avatar, maybe more if not everyone has posted here when the got it. Good luck to all those users still trying for it, and new members NEVER hesitate to mail me or anyone else. We are all friendly, helpful people with a common love of avatars, so jump right in and get Neomail Addicted!


p.s. If anyone on here frequents the Avatar NeoBoards please feel free to tell them about this list.

The more people on the list, the more Neomails get sent, and the faster everyone get's the avatar!




I'll accept neomails at any time, but I can't guarantee I'll be able to respond quickly, I work random hours as opposed to a set schedule. Also, if anyone wants to be my NeoFriend, feel free to send me a request :)



It has been just been brought to may attention that you can be banned from neomail for a 24 hour period just for sending a certain number of Neomails in a day.

That's right just for sending some large number of totally legitimate Neomails you can be temporarily banned from neomail for 24 hours and investigated.


I was alerted of this by a Xepha, who was a victim of this bizarre TNT rule, and who did not know the exact number. It is theorized that somewhere around 300 Neomails in one day you will be banned from neomail for 24 hours and your account will be investigated by a TNT representative. In V's case she did not get into any trouble, no warnings or anything like that, she was just sorely inconvenienced by the 24 hour Neomail ban.


To reiterate and to be perfectly clear: This IS NOT an account freeze or a permanent neomail ban,

it's not even a warning, just a 24 hour ban from sending neomail and an investigation of you account.


Needless to say though, even the most trustworthy and rule abiding Neopets players make mistakes sometimes, and I know I for sure wouldn't want my account investigated.

I've accidentally infringed on a rule here and there, as I'm sure have many of you, and an investigation of my account by the freeze happy TNT squad makes me very nervous.


So just be careful out there folks, perhaps keep a tally of how many Neomails you are sending each day?

If you approach that 300 number maybe take a brake and start over again the next day.


I've heard of that happening. While I've never personally been neomail banned, I know of a few people that have. I've never heard of anyone getting suspended or frozen because of it, so like FutureTXVirtupet said, it's more of an inconvenience than something to live in fear of. lol.


Anyway, I don't have that avatar, and I've been looking for some neofriends.


Feel free to neomail me at any time:



  • 2 weeks later...

Oooh! Add me please! =D

I'm usually on more often during weekdays than weekends (friday through sunday), just to let you peeps know. =)


Edit: My username is yunotsi BTW. =)


With all the scamming and cheaters going around I just want to remind everyone to stay safe out there.

Summer time is Scammer time, so your better off safe than sorry. Practice your basic safety rules & stay on alert:


  • Don't click on links from people you don't know.
  • Never give out your password or other secret info.
  • Change your password often and make it complex.
  • If something seems to good to be true it probably is.


Side Note: I'm pretty sure I've got everyone added up to date. If I missed you be sure to PM me about it.


I just emailed everyone on the list. So if you get an email from me and aren't interested you can just ignore it. I am hoping to get some emails going and get some people their avvies.


definitely sign me up.


username: mrpetterson93


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