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Congratulation To TheKnowledge02! She Got The Avatar!

However I'm a little bit fuzzy on the details. Do we use that list in your first post to send NM to other people, and then our name goes on that list and hopefully we'll get some NM from others to increase the mail flow through our inboxes?
And how does it work? I have no idea and would be nice to know so can expect it!


Thanks for joining you two. And to answer both your questions....Basically Apollo you had it exactly right. You message anyone you want to off the list with the parameters that work for you like, "I would like to neomail at least 4 times a day and I'd like to do it by playing a game of word association." Hopefully whoever you Neomail is agreeable to your terms and you can begin your quest for the avatar. I also add your name to the list here which allows users to seek you out even if you haven't Neomailed them.


I would also like to be added to the list as I've been on Neopets for 5 years with no success on the avvie as of yet & it is driving me crazy not to have it. My neopets user name is 1stdautcalm. Thanks for having such a great idea to help others.




As of this evening every name on the list automatically links to a neomail to that user.

I think this will make things a wee bit easier, and hopefully help new users feel comfortable jumping in.


If, for whatever reason, you don't want your name to link, just let me know and I'll remove it ASAP.


:evo: This is such a clever idea. My neomail inbox is fairly empty so go ahead at aysh25. Any idea roughly how long it takes to get this avvie?

Ps - and DO add me to the list :*


I would like to try to get the Neomail Addict avatar. My username is jikuumage, as shown on the side.


I have a question. If we already have the avatar but want to help others get the avatar too, are we allowed to join this list and send out Neomails as well? ^^




Thanks to a neomail sent by apollo25888 I know have the NEOMAIL ADDICT AVATAR!

I will still continue to actively participate in Neomailing others. Just wanted to share my good news.

Thanks to everyone for joining the list and making this possible! Good luck to everyone else!


p.s. Tivsy, I assume this post kind of answers your question, but you sure are allowed to join. And we would really appreciate your help!

Thanks for being an active and gracious member of the TDN Community. I'm sure everyone looks forward to getting your neomails.

Guest riwu0730

The neomail addict avatar? I thought it is easy to get that? I just keep refreshing at the neomail inbox and i get it within 10min :)


Riwu, I had recently asked someone through neomail if that would be possible. Are you sure you got it that way? That'd be so much easier(though I must say I enjoy the conversations)

The neomail addict avatar? I thought it is easy to get that? I just keep refreshing at the neomail inbox and i get it within 10min :)

Please Don't Comment In This Thread Unless You Intend To Participate In The TDN Avatar Addict List.

Conversational Posts Clog Up The Lists, Make It Less Productive And Harder To Maintain.


It is true that people do in fact get the avatar from refreshing. Although many die hard avatar collectors might consider that a bit of a scam.

Personally, I tried and tried refreshing and it never worked for me, but I have bad luck with the "refreshing" avatars. And, I agree with Mumbling...

The Conversations And Getting To Know People Are A Big Bonus Of Doing It This Way!


Oh I would love to join! My username is steinberg121212. Thanks :)

Good luck to everyone else


I have received a few messages lately regarding the legitimacy of this strategy and discussing what some other people have said regarding this topic/plan.

So let me clear up a few things, put out a few warnings, and advise against some false information:


  1. This strategy does in fact work. I just got the avatar this way, not very long ago. At least one other previous participant of the list has also gotten the avatar this way.
  2. There is some risk involved in sending back and forth one word messages, you run a slight risk of being mistaken for a spammer, however I have used this strategy and only this strategy, and so has everyone I've been messaging, and so far no one has been blocked, warned, or otherwise at risk.
  3. On that note, there has been talk that the only way this strategy will work is to rapid mail, very intensively, for a few hours. This is false. I didn't do that and I got the avatar no problem. I STRONGLY ADVISE AGAINST RAPID MAILING. This greatly increases your risk of being labeled a spammer. If you want to increase the speed at which you might receive the avatar I recommend you simply refresh on your inbox until you receive it. This is a hit or miss strategy, as far as I'm concerned, and won't work for everyone, but it is much less dangerous than rapid mailing.
  4. Finally, in truth the safest, I'll be it the slowest, strategy is to find a member from the list and carry on a neomail conversation with them. You can talk about nonsense, common interests, or whatever just so long as your messages are not one word, and just so long as you aren't sending them rapid fire. A typical conversation speed is recommended, and coherent, at least one sentence long messages, are safest. This strategy WILL work, it may take a long time, but it WILL eventually get you the avatar. At no risk and with a shinny new neo-friend to boot.

If you have further questions or concerns please PM me directly, do not post them here and clog up the topic. Thanks Guys!


Hey TX! Long time no talk! Stash me on the list too! SympliG0th

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