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Symol Hole avatar question


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On the avatar little "mini-guide" it says you can enter the Symol Hole as many times as you want all day. However on the dailies list it says you can only visit it every hour. I'm after that avatar so I am curious as to which is true.

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You can do it over and over and over again as many times as you want all day.

When I got mine I just went in, went back, went in, went back...took like 3 tries and BOOP! there was my avatar!


Well then perhaps the Daily page should be changed? I don't know if the staff would think it was that big of a deal but it did confuse me. :S

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I too shared your confusion, and think the pop up should be changed. That said,

I vaguely remember talking to V about it & finding she had a good reason for it being the way it is.


I too am searching in vain for the symol avatar, but I almost never have the patients to go in more than once a day.

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  • 5 years later...

I am also curious, I would really like the avatar.


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