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I need help choosing petpets for my two neopets. =)

my meerca currently has a sauropod named Perdita. =P I want to paint her but I can't choose which brush to use. Which one do you think is the prettiest?




I love the island one but the blue one is really pretty too.



My Lupe doesn't have a petpet yet. =/ I'm saving up for two baby paint brushes right now, but after that I want to get Navee (my lupe) a good petpet.


I thought maybe an Island Ona. Those are pretty. But I also have a huge thing for slorgs. =P


my old account had a plushie slorg, but I love the Tyrannian Slorg and the Pirate Slorg now. =)


do you know of any really adorable and/or pretty petpets? it would really help me. =D


Well to be honest I don't like either of those petpets personally..! LOL If I were to choose from them I'd say either both Faerie or Halloween for the Slorg. I love my Faerie Baby Fireball, though.. can't beat that! :D


I personally like the Faerie or Robot Sauropod myself.

As for the Slorgs, I like the Custard one.


I personally like the island Sauropod the most.


With your second pet, perhaps because you're painting it baby. Maybe a plushie petpet be best.

Looking at plushie petpets, maybe a Plushie Harris be good. It looks like a teddy bear, which babies usually have :P


Oh yeah, plushie babaa is adorable to the max. I'm just a sucker for the faerie petpets, pretty much all of them. I wish I could put more than one petpet on my pet. :(

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