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Okay, for those of you who look at the Hang Out and Post board and say (and I roughly quote)

Gah, I am not reading 1600+ PAGES!!! *faints*
this is here to help you! Katy and I have taken on the long, grueling, insane task of summarizing the entire HOP! Page...by...page x_x But we're dedicated, and we'll get it done for you! So! We commence... with Katy!

*pops knuckles* ((Livvy: MMORPG=Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game.))


Page 1: Jellybird is founded, the conversation is mostly about muffins. It's Laura's first post in this topic.


Page 2: Lots of cookie & biscuit talk. Some people try to sell items.


Page 3: Jellybird is moved from debate to random chitchat.


Page 4: Jellybird has been pinned and renamed the Off Topic Board!


Page 5: Discussion of Texas and weather.


Page 6: "The highest temperature I remember where I live was I think 109 or 110. My chocolate melted that day!"-Laura


Page 7: Morgan's first post in the OTB.


Page 8: Chatting about cancer and New Zealand.


Page 9: Muffins! Cheese! Baked good violence!


Page 10: Cheese has now taken over the world.


Page 11: The Super Member announcer is locked in the corner of a circular room. Pasties are baked fresh.


Page 12: Lots of drooling and bad poems.


Page 13: Syrupy intelligence and Logical Nonsense is apparently logical.


Page 14: Morgan provokes Keiko. Levy's first post in the OTB.


Page 15: Halo 2 and Bill Gate comics.


Page 16: Chili discussion.


Page 17: Levy and Keiko talk about roleplaying, Levy wants to battle.


Page 18: Keiko and Morgan create Cheeseflavored marshmallows and cheese flavored marshdogs.


Page 19: Morgan's 500th post.


Page 20: Anime writes about being a mod. Levy and Keiko talk about Neopets' wheels.


Page 21: Levy asks to battle. Again. Surprised?


Page 22: Levy is not a girl. Fantasy vs. Sci-Fi.


Page 23: A neopet is pounded, Anime and Levy argue.


Page 24: Talk about being...bored.


Page 25: People chat about the Neopian Times, Laura comes back.


Page 26: Morgan is hypnotized by a meepit, Anime interrogates it. (Need proof not to mess with Anime? This is it.) This is the first recorded instance of Morgan being hypnotized by a Meepit.


Page 27: Meepits are thrown, Keiko attempts to eat Morgan. Morgan steals the deed to Atlantis from Keiko. I can't explain this one, so: "Monkeyworld, here I come! *trumpet music* Attack of the poop-throwers! Ahhhh!" -Morgan


Page 28: Science is not allowed in the OTB. According to Levy the sun will die in five billion years.


Page 29: Science vs. Fantasy vs. Meepits


Page 30: Discussion of homework and exams.


Page 31: Morgan, and Keiko talk about vacations and travelling.


Page 32: The movie Insomnia is creeeeepy.


Page 33: Foreign language discussion.


Page 34: The TDN Wikipedia page is started.


Page 35: TDN Wikipedia page is taken down due to various reasons.


Page 36: Levy talks about being fired from being a mod, and reprimands people for breaking the rules. Ironically.


Page 37: New York is...fudgy.


Page 38: Somehow the conversation can go from 9/11 to the beauty contest.


Page 39: More beauty contest entries.


Page 40: Drawing and beauty contests. Somehow "What about flying saucers?"-Jake got in there.


Page 41: Levy goes from falling asleep in school to "What would I see if I rode on a beam of light?"


Page 42: "Now that the problem is solved, how about a good, clean....food fight! *grabs tomatoes*" -Morgan


Page 43: Spoiled onions beat a nuke. Return of the marshdogs!


Page 44: "Ahh, those little hotmallows are second-class duplicates of the marshdog. Only marshdogs give you 100% satisfaction." -Morgan


Page 45: Keiko's pet is a cross-dresser. -awkward pause- Well, then.


Page 46: Levy starts a battle tournament.


Page 47: Muffins again! And battling...


Page 48: "Sorry everyone...Me and my pasties went out for Chinese. By the way Keiko my pasties are very well educated...They all tied for Valedictorian at MIT. Except for Alfpie, he went to Yale. " -HBP


Page 49: Reservation for the Chinese restaurant (the one on the second floor,of course.)


Page 50: Anime is a stalker. But she has brownies, so it's okay.


Page 51: A squirrel steals Morgan's mitts. "Morgan's brain has shutdown for the moment. Please stand by... "-Morgan


Page 52: Countries are divided up with sharpies. Morgan gets Cheeseland, Keiko gets Japan the U.S. and Antarctica.


Page 53: Radiance gets Canadaland, Laura claims China, Anime has Mars.


Page 54: Plutonium is Pluto's currency. But it's not real, so don't worry. Also, TDNF members are prophets since they predicted Pluto's planet-hood being revoked. Poor Pluto.


Page 55: "I also stake claim to the supposedly fake galaxies and large spacial masses of the supposedly fictional Star Wars series. May the Force be with you, just not out your butt." -Confuciousnz


Page 56: People claim more planets. I want to know who gets Uranus.


Page 57: Claiming of countries that were claimed a couple pages ago.


Page 58: Australian pride!


Page 59: Luna is a hamster. Possibly the result of beer.


Page 60: Back to Neopet-related conversation.


Page 61: Sloth plots should come back!


Page 62: Morgan brings a heli and fudge but Levy is still bored.


Page 63: "I realize now, TNT didn't accept my BC entry because it was so good they believe that I couldn't possibly have made it. lol, I am being underestimated." -Levy


Page 64: Amazing pickle poem, courtesy of Luna.


Page 65: Sid doesn't come out often enough. "You're a SLACKER!" -Levy (Yay for Back to the Future references!!)


Page 67: Sloth is hip. Commie Parents = Unhappy Dan. :(


Page 68: Talk of Germany!


Page 69: Everyone is pretty much talking to themselves until Viggy points out a disturbing fact- "Did you know that Tipem backwards is Mepit and if you add an 'e' you get Meepit? Very suspicious."


Page 70: Morgan retreats to the underground city of the mole people.


Page 71: Pits of evil bunnies and portals to cheese world...


Page 72: Curdling milk. Yum. Anime/Manga discussion.


Page 73: Levy kills and revives himself.


Page 74: Morgan pushes Levy out a window, Levy throws a grenade into the room where they're celebrating. Anime deflects it.


Page 75: Unintelligible. Or unintelligent.


Page 76: Levy returns with a long (and funny in an odd way) post. Which everyone ignores.


Page 77: Luna's poetry. More battlespeak.


Page 78: Morgan feeds Levy to the bunnies! :O


Page 79: Chatting about the weather. (Seriously?)


Page 80: Anime, Morgan, Luna, and Levy talk about their relative. (Did they suddenly age 60 years?)


Page 81: Conversation goes back to manga/anime.


Page 82: Catfish=moist chicken.


Page 83: CMT. (*shudder*)


Page 84: Christmas in September.


Page 85: Spongebob.


Page 86: Jake's teacher dressed up as Spongebob...


Page 87: Anime's out of school for "Fair Day."


Page 88: Morgan's 800th post. People like corn.


Page 89: Deep fried pickles. Euch.


Page 90: Mira ate dog food once.


Page 91: Funny pictures.


Page 92: Anime calls her cat Fuzz Butt.


Page 93: Some TDNers are ancient.


Page 94: Ruto was in Cheeseworld during the Big Bang.


Page 95: Weather/Neo discussion.


Page 96: Small, unnecessary NZ fight.


Page 97: Levy gets a high score in Bumper Cars.


Page 98: The OTB has 98 pages! No way! :P


Page 99: Keiko is extraflouristic.


*groans as Katy cracks knuckles* *does the same* *winces* Ouch.


Page 100: Page 100! Woot! *wonders how they'd react to find we now have over 1000 pages*


Page 101: Ian is now Ian rather than Tipem! :O And Levy is insulted repeatedly.


Page 102: TVs, weather, allergies... and the ceiling goes kaboomy!


Page 103:


Page 104: Levy and Anime argue about whether or not his BD posts are spammy. Anime loves the delete button; Levy gets a little (more, if possible) big-headed.


Page 105: Anime states the truth... erm, insults Levy repeatedly. (Go Anime!)


Page 106: Discussing the end of the world. Which quite obviously must be coming, because:

"Ahhhhh, I feel so much better after I just turned off my tv and listened to Mozart. I have new ideas, new thoughts on everything. I have a confession. I kinda like anime (the genre). I don't really like the animation but the storylines are good. I noticed I conplain too much. I'd get sick of myself too. I apologize if my opinions insulted anyone or anyone's hobbies. You're doing a good job Anime (the mod), keep up the good work." - Levy


Page 107: Talking about candy and McDonalds. Chocolate pwns, which is true. McDonalds pwns, which is a lie.


Page 108: More discussion of chocolate! Yum! Which is better: milk, mint, white, dark? (I say milk.)


Page 109: The silliness of fire drills, and why you should NEVER pull the alarm unless there's a fire.


Page 110: Michael Jackson, allergies, lock-ins, and fire drills. I'm sure there's a connection here. Maybe. Oh, and Morgan moopoofed.


Page 111: Whose Line Is It Anyway? I don't really like that show... and Keiko has a definite obsession with smileys.


Page 112: More about Whose Line Is It Anyway? And part one of the plot is up! And Morgan remoopoofed.


Page 113: Keiko stole made a laptop magically! Anime called Morgan a goofball, and Morgan chickenpuddingmoopoofed.


Page 114: Invisibility... isn't that handy when you're the only one invisible.


Page 115: They're going to the moon! Or buying it. Or... "Here, worms can sing in a choir, and it would be okay! .....Right?" - Morgan "Yup! And cats can eat salads and watches can dance with pencil sharpners." - Anime


Page 116: Pixelcatz by Keiko, and Toonami, which has such shows as Bobobobo... with a lot of bos.


Page 117: The race for high post count. Sounds familiar...


Page 118: Bunnies, picking apples, and staying up late. Being the only one online. How many times has this happened to me? *counts* Lots.


Page 119: They are all nocturnal, and Ellie is invisibly standing on Keiko's mother's car.


Page 120: More worlds of the imagination. And purple strings that slice through cheese-tasting tennis balls. And... "*coughandspurtand---moo* Pig pudding is so broccoli and bright fishsticks." - Morgan


Page 121: Morgan launches a pineapple cannon at Anime's world! Oh mai!


Page 122: Sugar and hyperness. What else needs to be said?


Page 123: Stay up late, substitutes, and bad singing of the national anthem. (Like the teacher who ALWAYS sang it at pep rallies... <_< )


Page 124: TotaKeiko sounds like Totem Pole Keiko, Totally Keiko, and Some Aztec Sculpture.


Page 125: Photoshop and glitterglue. Fuuunnnn...


Page 126: Coordinates, avatars, and DS games. Yay?


Page 127: Keiko wants to be content staff, and "Eric shuns us all!"


Page 128: Discussion of music and comics and graphics things. And Anime used to be Content Staff! :O


Page 129: Terribly sorry, but Laura ate this page. Thus, I cannot report on it. Oh dear.


Page 130: Keiko lost the election for secretary to a girl she hates. And Levy has an 8 pound chunk of limestone in his room. o_0


Page 131: It's Friday the 13th!! And something about Chao?


Page 132: More chao! And there was a Favorite Super Member contest! *gasp* We should have another one! And a Favorite Fantastic Member Contest!


Page 133: Chaos, Nintendo, and Sega.


Page 134: More gamey things. MMORPGs (what on earth is that??) and LoZ!


Page 135: More about chao. Morgan doesn't know what nuts to feed a rainbow chao.


Page 136: Talk about The Marine and theatre in general.


Page 137: Rock collections! Fun!


Page 138: More about rock collections! And other collections. And Foxy knocking herself out playing golf. *snicker*


Page 139: Picture editing programs.


Amazing idea, guys. I'm going to edit it a little if I see something worth noting. Like, for page 26, I added "This is the first recorded instance of Morgan being hypnotized by a Meepit."


EDIT: Duly noted, and gone like requested.


*sigh* Like finding a piece of ancient history, right? xD


I still think you guys are insane. But I commend your dedication...and bravery. 'specially the bravery. Good. Gosh. :O


XP Did you eat it Laura??


Actually, I was going to type something for it, and then... forgot to. :S Like I did on the banning thread. (Ask Katy about that. I banned her for .) Don't know how that happened. I'll fill it in at some point though. :graduated:


Page 129 isn't that interesting. Levy shows some comics, they talk about the need for sleep, math homework, then snow.


Thanks for this btw. It's really helpful :P


Hmm... I wouldn't mind helping out with this task (if I had more time that is <_< ), seeing as I've pretty much read every single page of that board at some point in time. :P


The OTB is really a great record of TDN history. :yes: Keep up the great work!


It is pretty insane and fun at the same time, did you see when was my first post? I just cant find it.


Here's a link to your first post on the OTB CC: http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?s=&...st&p=207654 :)


I wonder what mine was... but there are a lot more posts to search through for that case. xD


:happystrange: I wa soo cute just coming inside a conversation without even intruducing myself, soo cute *sniff* *sniff*. I just realised that I wandered who was Myles two times.


I <3 my self *hugs self*


I don't really post a lot on HOP so I may not be able to understand how crazy the members are here but its always fun to know :)


Well yeah, in terms of TDN even I'm pretty old... but I was more of a lurker at first, which is why you don't see my presence on the OTB so much. :P

I really like your current signature. It's a nice color, and it's true. (Of course, I may be a bit biased since I love blue...)


I don't think I'm going to be changing my set any time soon, unless Tara decides to randomly make me one and asks me to update it or something. But she was nice enough to make a really nice one, so I'll probably keep it for a while.

I was talked about on page 1586 for like a huge chunk of time and I didn't even know!

I'm so upset that I missed that. I love talking about me...and thanks everyone for the graphics compliments.


p.s. Don't forget Livvy that I will gladly make you a new sig whenever you get bored of that one. Just ask.


No, no, old is not having posted on there in forever and still being in second for most posts.


I suppose that qualifies me for middle-aged then.


How's the gruelling cataloguing coming along?


I'll be slightly less middle-aged than AA, I guess. <_<


I've still been around longer than AA, though.


50th member. :P


Oh dear, I just tried to capitalize numbers again, livvy.....


Darn !%@.


Well I was around before the forum upgrade that reset everybody. :P Although I was still a lurker back then... I don't even remember exactly when I first joined.


The first time I rejoined Neopets before a year I even joined TDN, but it was long before I joined the forums. 8)

Well I was around before the forum upgrade that reset everybody. :P Although I was still a lurker back then... I don't even remember exactly when I first joined.


What is this forum upgrade that reset everyone that you are talking about?


Perhaps... perhaps I was on hiatus then...

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