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Alrighty! Is there some trick in getting past level 3-1? lol I can just past the first jump with no problem, it's the second one that is difficult! I've tried flipping, using the brakes etc but all he does is either crash or land and jump back into the spikes.




OK, I had a lot of trouble with this too, but I worked out a good way. I used to fluctuate my speed, but go at full-speed, then, while airborne, press the right arrow key (->, for the people direction-impaired like me o_x) to tilt down. Practise a bit and you'll get a good sense of how to do it. It's pretty simple however. ^_^ Good luck.


Don't try flipping. Land on your front wheel (not completely, only semi-tilted to the right) and then you should land perfectly fine. Good luck!


I've been trying and trying and still cannot get passed it! LOL It's so funny! It's a really simple game and it angers me greatly that I cannot pass it. Yes, I am jealous of you both HAHA


Are you sure you're doing it right? You don't have to press the -> key down; just tap it a bit to lean down, so you can land on the wheel. Also make sure you're going at full-speed. e.e I always get ghostkerchiefed over at random places before 3-1 now I finally mastered 3-1... irony.


Last night was the night! I got passed it once out of the 50 times I tried LOL I just lightly tap it, and he lands successfully, but he either juuussst touches the spikes or he can get enough momentum to get up the hill.


Practice makes perfect :)

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