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I was just getting used to wearing tank tops and capris, and then I go check this week's forecast! Tomorrow is supposed to be 79 degrees, and Wednesday is supposed to be 47. - _ -




Oh, and I HATE wind! I have long hair, and I hate the feeling of my hair blowing all over my face. Wind makes me cranky. :crying:

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Oh, I love wind! I have loooong hair, so it can get kind of annoying when it's in my face, but everyone says it's really pretty when the wind blows my hair in my face. ^_^


And I love the feeling of wind blowing my hair back. It's.... amazing.

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My hair is short and layered sorta so wind is like BWAHCANTSEE! XD


Ohio weather drives me nuts, but oh how I love it lol. Summer, very hot. Winter, very cold. And we get tornadoes, blizzards, hurricane aftermath stuff. A lot of people here are always like "*grumblegrumble* I hate Ohio weather! *groanwhine*"

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Not in Dubai, It is all hot in here, exept in winter where it comes down as low as 20c. It never snows here, coming to think about, I have never seen snow.

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It's snowing right now. It's not very cold - just hovering around freezing. The forecast doesn't look very good, though. Rain, snow, and wind gusting up to 100 km/h (60 mph) overnight. The temperature is supposed to drop back down to -25 C (-13 F) in the next few days.


I like winter, but we've had snow here since mid-November, and the temperature has been consistently cold since New Year's. I think I'm just about ready for spring. Not going to hold my breath on it coming any time soon, though. ^_^

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We've been having fairly pleasant weather here in Chicago recently. Had a high of about 50 degrees F today. :) I just hope we're done with snow...I'm so sick of snow...


And tomorrow it's supposed to be in like... the 30's. <_<



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And tomorrow it's supposed to be in like... the 30's. <_<

Y'know what? As long as it's above freezing, I'm happy. I've learned to not be too picky about the weather. b) (And I suppose having a preference for cold/mild temperatures doesn't hurt, lol.)

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It is FREEZING here. Around -30 C... I think that coverts to -22 F?

I feel your pain. It's been a cold winter.

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I live in southern Missouri and I am completely used to weather like that. It sucks! It was so nice and warm then it randomly started raining today and now it is freezing. UGH! It's like that all year here, no matter what month.

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I live in southern Missouri and I am completely used to weather like that. It sucks! It was so nice and warm then it randomly started raining today and now it is freezing. UGH! It's like that all year here, no matter what month.


Yep. I live in Mid-Missouri. It's so inconvenient.

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I left the house today in warm sunny weather to go to uni, when I was walking back home it was hailing, make up your mind.

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