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Just, you know, need to rant.


I really love KQ. I don't mind coming second- you still get decent items. BUT WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE TO QUIT JUST BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT GOING TO WIN?! I had a few spaces to go before winning a five key game and the stupid person quit on me. I'm so annoyed. You shouldn't be allowed to quit, or whoever is left in the game after people quit should automatically win.


I know sometimes computers/browers stuff it up, but seriously. This happes to me EVERY TIME. I have only won once, all the other times I've come a few spaces from winning, I get quit on.


Are there any decent people left :crying:.

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I don't understand people these days. It's rather pathetic really. There's just no drive anymore, no push to be better or at least admit when you've tried your hardest. But what can you do but continue on. :guiltysmiley:

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I know! I totally understand the computer crashing thing, but just leaving cuz you're not going to win????? -rants-

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Congrats you're only the *thinks* 6th? person on this forum to make a topic about this.


Let's face it, there are always gonna be quitters wherever you go. It comes with the territory. Just deal with it or don't play.

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Ugh, they need to learn good sportsmanship! Just coz they lose, it is sad! But people here at TDNF will be glad to play a game with you and they wont quit!

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You know actually I think that's a great idea that the person left gets an auto win.. :O Why isn't that being implemented?! Last night I was playing using Opera for my browser and I was winning but then it started lagging really bad and then POOF- browser crash. I was so embarrassed! D: I felt bad for the other person, we were having a pretty intense game!

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Because then people could set it up so that one person would always quit and then the other would get a prize, and then switch people. I think a better way would be to penalize them if they quit, so they'll lose 1000 NPs or so, like in Gunbound.

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Because then people could set it up so that one person would always quit and then the other would get a prize, and then switch people. I think a better way would be to penalize them if they quit, so they'll lose 1000 NPs or so, like in Gunbound.


i couldn't agree more :) i think i actually made that suggestion in one of my anti-sore quitter threads.

it's too bad that you can't really differentiate laggers from sore quitters.

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Gunbound doesn't differentiate. Maybe Neopets shouldn't either.


Actually, it should be 1000 NPs given to each person, so if you're in a game with 4 people and you quit, you lose 3000 NPs.

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yes, but gunbound also has the ability to decrease the quality of the game and remove unnecessary parts (such as backgrounds, sounds, etc). keyquest does not offer such things. also, gunbound is a program, not a web-game. in order to implement fining of quitters, they will first need to implement a low quality mode that would not crash the lower-end users (and also, possibly create better game caching so that you don't need to load all the game parts every single time you go to play).

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Congrats you're only the *thinks* 6th? person on this forum to make a topic about this.


Let's face it, there are always gonna be quitters wherever you go. It comes with the territory. Just deal with it or don't play.



I know that. I do deal with it, there's nothing I can do, I know that. I just wanted to make my OWN thread in case someone who doesn't quit wanted to play me ;).

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I know, it just makes me soo angry, my old computer used to crash alot but now I am on my sis computer, it does not lag at all, I am redady to play with you anytime next week cuz I hate quitters.

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I know that. I do deal with it, there's nothing I can do, I know that. I just wanted to make my OWN thread in case someone who doesn't quit wanted to play me ;).


I agree that that post by Unstream was rude and unnecessary. I say vent all you'd like, it's extremely frustrating.

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I had not been playing KQ after the load test because I always loss but I don't quit because when I finally was about to win then if the person quit I will be very frustrated so I know how you felt.


I don't mind playing with you too, feel free to pm me if you want, I will not quit if I'm in control of my com lol

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I try not to quit on anybody, but if I do it's usually because of backlogging. I'm trying to get better, so I haven't been asking some people to games, because they're REALLY good!

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ooh. i hate that. especialy when uu have like 10,000 NP on the line. ugh. x-(

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Just, you know, need to rant.


I really love KQ. I don't mind coming second- you still get decent items. BUT WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE TO QUIT JUST BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT GOING TO WIN?! I had a few spaces to go before winning a five key game and the stupid person quit on me. I'm so annoyed. You shouldn't be allowed to quit, or whoever is left in the game after people quit should automatically win.


I know sometimes computers/browers stuff it up, but seriously. This happes to me EVERY TIME. I have only won once, all the other times I've come a few spaces from winning, I get quit on.


Are there any decent people left :crying:.


not really sure about kq because my computer doesnt run it very well. but i know people do that to me in checkers and its really annoying. but some people will play the game through!

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um, in Checkers??? Is that even on neopets...sorry. I don't know. :P

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