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My pet's abilities! They won't show up! :(

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Everytime I try to activate my pet's abilities, it only shows the name of the ability. I see the pet has been blessed because the new abilities are there but I can't activate them at all! The pictures won't show up so there's nothing for me to click. :(

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This is a tough one. Try clearing your cache, refresh the page, and then see if the images show up. Also make sure that you haven't accidentally disabled images somewhere.

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Another user and myself were having this same problem but cache clearing was not helping.. I don't know if we ever found a solution to be honest.. :S

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And I'd be that other user. I've already tried clearing my cache, and I disabled all adblockers in case it was somehow accidentally blocked, but it didn't work.


Here's a screenshot:


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I know this is lame, but I don't even know how to get to my pet's abilities, yet alone how to activate them. I feel so lame >_>

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Well it looks like TNT broke the ability images... again. :( They aren't showing up where they were linked to in the tdnBP guides either.


I know this is lame, but I don't even know how to get to my pet's abilities, yet alone how to activate them. I feel so lame >_>

Head to your Quickref page, then click on the dropdown menu for the Neopet in question and hit 'View abilities'. :yes:


I have the same probleme. I cannot click on any of my pet's abilities. Can someone please show me a way to fix it? Thank you.

Well if you don't feel like pulling the activation link out of the page's source code, you can use the tab key to toggle through all the links on a page. There should be a thin outline around the currently selected link (almost a box in the case of the missing ability images). Once you've found the link you want, just hit enter to follow it and the ability should activate/deactivate.

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This is a tough one. Try clearing your cache, refresh the page, and then see if the images show up. Also make sure that you haven't accidentally disabled images somewhere.

This is what I usually do when this occurs on me.. but if many people are having this problem, maybe the problem is within neopets itself.


I know this is lame, but I don't even know how to get to my pet's abilities, yet alone how to activate them. I feel so lame >_>

You can find information in my Battledome 101 Guide.

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The images on neo's servers just aren't showing up. They're broken. As someone said, they aren't showing up on the tdnBP either.

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You can find information in my Battledome 101 Guide.


It says your page is blown up o_0

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The page did blow up! It's here: Battledome 101


Yay for the giant meepit who blows up pages! :P That's the good link above too. Just so you know...


Thank goodness, I thought I might have done something wrong and caused a malfunction of epic proportions ^_^


Thanks for the help guys. I feel silly, but it's better to feel silly and learn something, than to keep your pride and never know :graduated:

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There was actually a question in the editorial about this:

Dear TNT, what happened to the Neopet Abilities pictures? They seem to have disappeared. Are you revamping them to make them look cooler? While that's going on, could you make the names capable of being clicked so that we can still select the ones we want to use in the Battledome? Thanks so much! Have a delightful day! ~vantine_harlow

That's odd! We redid them not too long ago and they were appearing. We'll look into it and find out what the problem is! D:


So I'm guessing TNT redid the pictures, but then the coding got messed up when they did. I'd expect for them to be fixed sometime soon.

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While we're on the topic: BJ:


is there a guide as to how many abilities a pet can have based on their level? Apparently mine hit her max last night and I lost a bottle faerie :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys, i stumbled across this same problem. I'm assuming most of you use firefox seeing as how IE blows.. Having said that if you switch to IE, the actual picture won't show up. But an empty box will that you can click on. For you firefox fanatics. Download an addon called IE tab. then, all you have to do is right click on the tab you want to show in IE format and poof. :evo: :evo: :evo: Hope this helps.

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  • 1 month later...

What link is the one to activate the abilities in the page source? (I can't use IE tab or IE since I have a Mac.)


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