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99 days jan 2 jumps out of the hole a few seconds later...


It appears that 99 days jan 2 came back a little richer. They must have found the 147 np in the hole...

Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'Symol' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!



Nice one! I tried for weeks before I got that! (It was spanned out over the course of 3 months though.)


I don't ever really try for that.. I should though! That's awesome that you got it first try! *high five*


Lucky. I'm going to start trying for that! The avvie's cute! xD

I tried for over 4 years before I got that. I still don't have the Snowager or the Hidden Temple random avatars.



i wish i could get the snowager...i only get max one try a day (if i get home from work before 5 cst) and twice on wkends


Excellent, congrats :).


Random avatars hate me, but I do have the Symol one! Do you have any other random ones?


I got that avvi on my first try too! *High fives* I didn't realise how many people wanted it at the time and was like, meh, avvi? how boring, I wanted some nps! *Laughs* Well done by the way.


Wow, that was very lucky. I am going to try get it now.


Congratulations! Symol hole is probably the hardest avatar to get, besides Buzzin' and maybe two or three others.


Ah, you're so lucky! I've been trying to get that avatar for nearly two years! x_x (Then again, I guess I can't complain because I have the Snowager avvie...)


Aww, lucky. I wish I'd just find something or anything. Congrats though. =)


Congrats! I actually got this avatar really early on, when my petpet found a book or something.


Lucky duck! I have been trying for ages! I dont have Turmy or Snowy avvies too. Randoms hate me *cry*


Hehe, I feel privalidged, I never get good avatars *Grumbles* Its a cute avatar :) I've just changed my Harris - Hi avatar to the symol one this very moment, :D


-sighs- I'm still waiting for that avvie. Even if I get like 2 NP, idc as long as it comes with the avvie!


Glad you had your luck on your side :)


I got the avvie on my second try. It was pretty surprising, as Madison was stressing over it that time :P

But congratulatons :D


aww. you're so lucky. :( I think I'm just going to pout and wish you all the best at the same time. -stalks off smiling-


Congratulations you lucky thing! I am so jealous lol I know I will get it eventually though. At least it isn't like the lever of doom which takes money off you.

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