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Oh yeah, any shockwave games and I'm done for for the challenges. My computer can't load shockwave!


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think TNT has ever included a shockwave game in the past Daily Dares, so I'm pretty sure we're safe. I think they realize that a lot of users have problems with them.


Faerie Cloud Racers. I've read the instructions numerous times and STILL do not understand that game. *shakes head*


Actually I wouldn't mind Wheeler's Wild Ride. My high score for that is 4678 :P


0_0 Wow Will! I can get in the 1000s or 2000s, but not beyond that. However, since I'm dedicated to going for Abigail, I suppose the thousands would be plenty high. I wouldn't mind. :)


Please, no DoM III, Kiko Match III, or Attack of the Gummy Dice. Maths Nightmare and MJB are hard for me, too.


As for expected games, I look forward to Kass Basher and one of my favorite games - Wheeler's Wide Ride! :D


in wheelers wild ride, my high score is 375, so its ok i cant get past mystery island level. but, i would hate if it was zurroball! my high score in that game is 45.


I just thought this would be the perfect place to ask this question: can we skip a game and get one of the trophies? as there are 31 days in this month and if only have to play 30 games are we allowed to skip one? I so want to skip Carnival of Terror...so hate it.

I just thought this would be the perfect place to ask this question: can we skip a game and get one of the trophies? as there are 31 days in this month and if only have to play 30 games are we allowed to skip one? I so want to skip Carnival of Terror...so hate it.



Sorry, you cannot skip any games if you plan to get your final prize and your trophy. The DD started on the second of March, so it makes it only 30 days, not 31.

Sorry, you cannot skip any games if you plan to get your final prize and your trophy. The DD started on the second of March, so it makes it only 30 days, not 31.


All right thanks for clearing that up :)

*crosses fingers for no Magax: the Destroyer* Seriously though, I can BARELY make it past the first level.

Believe me, you are NOT alone. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I CANNOT play that game. So let's cross our fingers and hope it doesn't come up, haha.

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