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Hello everyone. My name is Denise and i've have been playing neopets for many years (my account is 7 1/2 yrs old b) ) I've been coming to TDN for awhile and so I decided to join here and chat with fellow neopets lovers. I look forward to posting with you guys. Hope you all have a nice day.

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Hey Denise, and welcome to TDNF! I hope you enjoy your time here with our friendly (albeit slightly insane (: ) members. There are a few guidelines you need to follow, but don't worry. They're easy. =]


1. Be sure you read the rules. We don't like when our mods aren't happy.

2. Accept our insanity. We love it.

3. Join it :evil:

4. Get active and stay active.

5. Have fun!


If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. That's what we're here for. =]


(OH! I almost forgot! Don't eat the cookies yet. They wouldn't quite... agree with you. :shiftyeyes_anim: )

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Slightly insane? HAH I THINK NOT!


We are the most insane breed of forumers. *nods*


I'm Laura, the leader of the insanity, as I am the essence of pure insanity.

But don't confuse me with Ian the CREATOR of the insanity. He created this wonderful land of insanity.


We call it..... TDNforums. *dun dun dun* :O

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Heh, I suppose that was a bit of a lie, eh?


But not everyone has been as drastically affected by you as some of us, Laura. There are some only barely insane members around here. =[

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Hey Denise welcome to TDNF! You can call me Will. *offers handshake*


Lol don't worry, most of us aren't that insane. Livvy and Laura, well, you could say they're more of the extremities of this forum and they spend most of their free time scaring off new members :P


But yeah, there are a lot of friendly people around these boards that are willing to help. Feel free to explore the forums, post around (but be sure to follow the rules!), and hopefully I'll see you around :)

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~*~Welcome Denise~*~

Glad You Decided To Join Us. You can never have too many veteran Neopets users.

First, since your new to the forum, let me link you to some of the highlights and most important pages:



New Members Guide

Neopets News

Neopets Help

View New Posts

^ also located on the right hand side of the top tool bar ^


Also, if your interested, my signature contains links to some of the websites most popular features.


If you have any questions or comments about absolutely anything, please don't hesitate to PM me.

I'm on here constantly, and helping new members is my absolute favorite forum activity.

Stick Around & Stay Active; next thing you know you’ll be addicted like the rest of us.


p.s. I noticed you don’t have custom signature would you like me to design one for you? PM me if your interested.

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No, I'm not an extremity. I'm perfectly normal; I just happen to be able to participate in Laura's brand of insanity and have a weird association with icing. Other than that, I'm pretty much just as normal and friendly as Will and any other member here. :yes:

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Ah, the core of insanity has decided to mob this member aye? :P


Anyway, welcome Denise to TDNForums!

My name' Stephanie.


I'm sure this lot has set you a good example of what to expect from us.........on the insane side. (:

But surf through the whole forum: we're a bunch of helpful and friendly people most of the time. So if you need any help, drop a PM to any of us or post a topic, we'll try to answer them as soon as we can ;)


And read the rules! ;D

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Hi, and welcome to our completely normal forums. other than a few unnamables in the cookies, they are compeletly safe.

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