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Key Quest!


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I love playing Key Quest but I'm starting to get really annoyed at it, it seems I'm just not lucky in the power-ups I've been getting and in the game I just played I rolled 1, 4 times in a row. Very frustrating!!! But I still love it.


I'm interested in how other people feel about it and what reasons you play for. I got my first PB playing it but I really play to get codestones to train my pets.

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I have a love/hate relationship with Keyquest, sometimes i'll play 10 times a day and then sometimes i'll ignore it for about a week. I play mainly for the np and reselling codestones and neggs etc. Haven't got a Pb yet though one night i got two very good lab map pieces while playing. I feel in the mood for a game right now you've said that.


also for me, even though i have a new laptop and its super fast with keyquest, it sometimes lags when someone on a more powerful machine plays, personally i dont mind if i get bronze key and i never quit unless something goes terribly wrong with my broswer. I hear it works better with IE than firefox.

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I'm another person with a love/hate relationship. Some of the mini-games lag so badly that I have no chance of winning. Does anyone else have this problem (especially with the game where you match the novas, and the game where you circle the petpetpets)? <_<


Anyway, I play for the prizes. I don't think I've gotten a PB yet (though I *do* have a Speckled PB in my SDB and I completely forgot how I got it), but I'm hoping to "hit the jackpot" one of these days. :P

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I've never gotten a PB, but you can get many kinds. I've gotten lab map pieces though, and they were a big help with my NP goal. :D I usually go two-player so I get decent prizes whether I win or lose. ...Anyone up for a two-player game?

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I also am in a love/hate relationship with the game. Normally i do find but there are some games when i lag so terribly that i never have a chance. Nova is probably my least favorite because i pretty much always lose. I have gotten 3 paintbrushes from it though a christmas one, a petpet one, and a snow one.


I also only play two player games. I don't like playing with more because i lag more and never have any chance of winning.

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I like KQ, but it's so full of problems that it's not even fun most of the time. The lag can be really annoying. And I won't even bother trying to play after 5:00 pm NST, because I always get completely flattened by other players in the evening, and I think I'm decently good at the minigames. There must be some cheating players out there. <_<


I think it would be great if we arrange Key Quest games between TDN members. I'm tired of getting my butt kicked by random strangers all the time. My husband hates KQ and won't play with me. I'd at least like to get my butt kicked by people I *know* won't be cheating.

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Oooh, I havn't got a paintbrush from it yet. Although I do love me my purple neggs and codestones. I also recently got a labmap, which I sold for 20k, which softened my bank balance a little :P The only game im truley good at, is the Nova one, because it doesnt lag for me, and whilst all the other players are lagging, i'm there matching them :P I might go play now.. Hmm..

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Ha, good to see everyone feels the same with their love/hate Key Quest relationships. I think people have gotten better too, or only the people who are really good at it play, because I used to win a lot, and yesterday I got beaten so much! I blame the minigames and my computer lagging at really odd times.

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I had been playing a lot but lately I just haven't been in the mood. Too many people quit and it makes me so mad. :( I have around 150 gold keys and like 80 silver or something like that, so I've played a bit.. *sigh* I am pretty good at it so most people get frustrated and just leave on me.

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I hate Key Quest! It dosen't work for me, I am hoping when I get a windows computer it will work better and I can play it :D

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I hate people who quit, it annoys me so much. Sure I've been frustrated and thought I'm just going to throw my laptop out the window, but it is just a game, and even if you don't come 1st and get a gold key you'll still get a prize anyway.


I have accidently quit on people the last few days, when my laptop powercable gets knocked out and it just dies on me, but it's never because I'm having a tanty about losing.

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I'm the same with most of you, I will sometimes love it because of the prize but most of the time I will just lose because because other players are faster than me. I don't quit unless there's some problem with the com I just realise the feeling of someone quitting when I was about to win and you know I don't win very often..


I don't mind playing with any TDN members at all!! :)

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I played my first full game of KQ today! ^_^ Okay, so I won 3rd place... but at least the game was fast. EXCEPT for the mini-games, though. Gah. Only a few of the mini-games worked for me.


I've made an addict out of you! :D


About KQ, I do like it and hate it at the same time. Mainly hate because of the lag. Love because of the stuff. :D

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With me I have a love/hate relationship with it too. I haven't played it on my new main account though...I'm going to go play now. If anybody wants to play with me, neomail me. Well once I quit on Mimi, and I felt really bad about it but my mom had to use the computer so I didn't have a choice. But that was the only time I quit on somebody, unless you count those abnormal quitting things that happen to your computer:(

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