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Ban the person above you!


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Banned for I don't know what this record is.


Banned for loving Spyro so much. o.o


I take that as a compliment.


Banned because CAV is awesome! :laughingsmiley:

Banned because I agree.


Thanks guys. :yes:

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Banned for not looking at the bottom of the board index. It says we have 12,001 members, which means we had our 12,000th 1 member ago.


was logging off at 5:36 a.m.


I've stood up later than that, but this was before I ever saw TDN.

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Banned for not using a good reason.


@Cav I've stayed up for 48 hours straight, that's no problem. 5:36 is just the longest I've ever stayed up on TDNF. XD

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Banned because the longest I stood up is 23 hours.


On TDN the longest was 3:53 AM. And that's because Dad realized the time and yelled at me to go to bed.


I love staying up, and I love waking up early. I don't know how you did that Noog.

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Banned because I would struggle to do it again.


I did it when I was 14, but I find that it's harder to stay up when you get older. It actually went quite smoothly. I was lying in bed pretending to sleep when the dog started barking at 6:30. That made an easy excuse to "wake up" that early. Then the next night I also stayed up until about 6 in the morning (the time I had woken up 2 days ago).

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