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Ban the person above you!

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Banned because I read that wrong! I thuoght he as that if you banned him for no reason as well the ankle hanging would be used.


So i'm also banning him now for not stating a reason for banning when he should of banned someone on the banning thread where we play the banning game.


And if you tell me I cant ban him anymore because that offer expired or that I said banned too much in that last sentence, you're banned too.


Fear me.


Or else.




That's right.


Be afraid.


Be very afraid.


Banned because by saying that you pretty much just made yourelf a squirrel target. :arrowhead:


Sleep with one eye open. :shiftyeyes_anim:


Banned because your cheese has been stolen. Not by me, though. -insert that little NeoBoard emote of face coughing into hand-


Banned because we shall take over the world with our food armies. >=3


Banned because the text in your signature is kind of hard to read.


Banned for praising pies.


I accept the food army challenge. My tacos will take over the world...

Banned because one of your eggs died. :(


Banned because one shouldn't insult insanity by being only 75% insane.

Banned because it is not one, it's four.


Banned because I don't know which "one" or "four" you're talking about :P


Banned for not knowing that I'm talking about the mod team.


Banned because your last ban:

Banned because it is not one, it's four.


doesn't have anything to do with my ban (the ban before that)


And if you don't understand this...you're banned!...x2 XD

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