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Banned because I'm all out of money. :(


And you will never pass my post count. I iz unstoppable.


Banned because I can be dirt poor and unstoppable by having uber powers. Those powers just don't include earning money. xD


Hey! I say we keep posting until we pass the "last to post wins!" thread. >=D


Banned for saying that we keep posting until we pass the "last to post wins" thread.


Banned for lying.


I'll tell you why Midna is better.


She can harness the power of twilight to do some awesome things.

Making Zant explode is not the least of her powers >=D


She can turn Link into a wolf by turning Zant's power against him.

She fights WITH Link when he's in wolf form.

She fought WITH Link against Ganon's beast form.

She fought to protect a world she didn't even care about at first.

And let's not forget that she actually has a personality.



She's always getting kidnapped, ALWAYS.

She doesn't do a freakin' thing to help Link in battles except near the very end, when she knows Ganon is too weak to fight back. (But I will give her credit for fighting on horseback)

She always puts on the 'damsel in distress' air.

And she didn't plot anything after Zant invaded Hyrule. She just stood there, gazing out of her window. <_<


At least when Midna was banished, she was plotting to take her realm back.


Granted, the WW version of Zelda was the best, and she got right back up when knocked unconscious. But overall, I don't like Zelda. She's too weak.


Banned for dissing Zelda.


Zelda has powerful light arrows against Ganon.Is she really weak?I think not.She never gets the chance to prove that she is more than the damsel in distress.


In Ocarina of Time,she did plot.She didn't just hide somewhere and wait to be saved.She turned into Shrek to help Link get stronger and to teach him the songs that would help him on his quest.


Midna pretty much just used Link for her own problems when Zant took her power and made her an imp.At least Zelda isn't as conniving and manipulate towards him.And if she can harness the power of twilight and be all kick butt than why did she need to drag Link into the twilight in the first place?Because she was too weak to get Zant on her own.She didn't help much at all in the final battle against Ganon either as I recall.(Haven't played that game in a while though. xD ) And when Midna was banished she was really just too busy being a bitter little imp to plot.Zant just threw her around a couple times then too and she couldn't even stop him now could she?


In Twilight Princess,they pretty much gave Zelda a crappy role in the first place though really. :( She needs to stop getting kidnapped in like every game actually.It is amazing that Link isn't tired of saving her.... o_O


Banned for dissing Midna.


Zelda only got those light arrows from the spirits. And SHEIK (not Shrek, lord no) was awesome, I'll admit that. But as soon as the disguise was gone, she went back to whiny, overprotective Zelda who gasped and screamed every time Link got hit by a rock.


Midna had a curse placed on her by Zant, and it pretty much took away her powers. But she knew of an awesome piece of shadow magic that she could harness to kill him.


And she did help in the fight against Ganon. She even transported Link and Zelda out of the castle before Ganon could get them, and she faced him on her own.

The only reason she didn't help with the final battle is because Ganon detained her or something.



Banned because I've had to defend Midna before, and I'll do it again, darnit. :P


I recall SOMEONE saving Link's sorry butt in Wind Waker.


Banned 'cause I wasn't there for the Zelda/Midna argument. Aw. :(


Zelda is a beast in SSBB, but Midna is a better character...


Yay for my two cents!

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