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Yes, it is! And the staff will be glad of the thanks; we seriously don't thank these awesome people enough.


So welcome! I really hope you continue to like it here as much as you seem to already. We're friendly people (albeit a trifle insane (: ) and very helpful, so feel free to ask if you have any questions or need any help. That's what we're here for. =] Be sure to read the rules, stay active, and don't eat the cookies!

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Thanks! :]


This post has been edited by a member of staff (Anime) because of a violation of the forum rules.

Make all posts at least 7 words long.

Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.


Oops :/ Sorry.


Yay I customized my profile!

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^Welcome to you both!


Yup, TDN's been a great help for me as well ever since I started playing neopets again ^_^

As Livvy's 'warned' you we're a bit insane, but incredibly friendly so I don't think you'll mind XD

Actually..........come join us! (:


Make sure you read the rules so you don't get into any trouble with the mods ;)

And.........try the cookies if you dare. But they're usually for display only!

(If you're wondering why, they're made of pure TDN poison! :evil:)

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Actually, I also just joined today. My current account is not yet two years old, but I've been playing Neopets for 5 and a half years now, with breaks now and again, and I've seen a whole bunch of Neopet's help/ect. websites and this is easily the one that really sticks out!! So I should be thanking you guys too, you've really put together an awesome website! ^_^

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Actually, I also just joined today. My current account is not yet two years old, but I've been playing Neopets for 5 and a half years now, with breaks now and again, and I've seen a whole bunch of Neopet's help/ect. websites and this is easily the one that really sticks out!! So I should be thanking you guys too, you've really put together an awesome website! ^_^


Hmmm... *looks around* I DID put together a really awesome website, didn't I?



*is glared at*




I was just kidding. IAN made a really great site. ;)

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