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I always seem to find other things to do when i have something important i am supposed to be doing. I have a test in an hour that I could be more prepared for but the lack of sleep and the shear fact that i don't want to study any more has me surfing the internet and doing just about everything but what I'm supposed to. I am so bad at this. I was looking at plane tickets for a potential vacation earlier. The sad thing is when i finish what i was only partially prepared for i always get annoyed with myself for not devoting enough time to the task. Thank you for listening to my ranting. Maybe i will try to finish a problem or two, unless someone responds that is. o_O


Does anyone else have this problem?


I do too, I just cannot study if I know there is one ore day left or even one hour, I just HAVE TO do something else, if I have a test tomorrow I just have to surf the Internet or do something (anything) othere than styding.


i am a procrastinator...i even have a shirt that says "Procrastinators unite.........tomorrow" lol........i almost failed 12th grade because of it :withstupid: <<<<myself


Im almost 21 and still dont have my license or a car ... lol well i did have a car so i could get a license but before my dad could fix it, he passed away....I'm buyin a car next week .....6 months is a bad case of procastination lol


I saw someone with that shirt my senior year of high school (im a second semester sophmore in college now) and i almost asked them where they got it from. I didn't walk over there and ask them where they got it right away and then when i was like ok i will go ask them now they were gone. Well i guess that shirt was sort of made for me since i procrastinated to go talk to him. I also procrastinated with getting my license. I got my permit like 6 months after I technically could and then i waited until the day it was about to expire to go take my driving portion of the test. I really didn't leave myself much room for error there. woops.


I have the same problem, BIG TIME. Like right now. I'm sitting in the library supposedly[/s] doing homework, but well, obviously I'm on here instead. =\ I need to do this math... *sigh*


Maths is a bit hard for me too all the xxxx and formulaes swim round my head, I wish I had Fluffy Minions's head for maths. In the mornings when I have to wear my uniform for school I always wear it at the last 10 min. (cuz I can do it that fast) so the other20 min. I am on the internet or sleeping.

I didn't walk over there and ask them where they got it right away and then when i was like ok i will go ask them now they were gone


somehow i knew what you were gonna say before i read it! like minded folks obviously lol


*edit* i got mine at Steve and Barry's but they are all out of business now :(


Ok well we shall see how my procrastination has served me. Oh and good luck on getting your license *Danielle*. I personally hate driving but i guess it is a necessity.


Haha yeah, I procrastinate all the time. In fact, just about every time I'm here, I'm procrastinating.


I just wonder if it's a good idea to do virtual classes. Knowing me, I'll forget about then and then do them at the last second while screwing myself over. Oh well, you never know til you try :D


TDNF is a huge procrastinator for me. I swear, I spend twice the amount of time here than I do doing homework, and I have to stay up late to finish my homework.


But I don't mind :P


^ :O I totally agree.


Right now I've got my maths homework due tomorrow, its almost 5pm here and what am I doing?

I'm on TDNF and playing turmac roll :P


In conclusion, I can't focus on something important without doing something 'unimportant' as a distraction XD


Oh i hear you guys!


I had a stats exam today for summer school and what was I doing until an hour before?


Playing around on NP and reading up on the boards..


I need to get my finger out but have no way of enticing myself to study. There's always housework that needs to be done before I can even look at books. Or something else.


Oh look... a castle


I agree. I seem to spend more time on the forum when i need to be doing something else then pretty much any where. Oh well its a good place to spend your time. Nothing bad to get into here. o_O


Oh and i'm pretty sure i did really well on my test. so the procrastination wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been.


True :) Glad you did well..


I think I did ok too, although ran out of time. Who sets a 10 page exam for long working outs in stats and all you get is an hour and a half!


Totally freaked when she called out 10 mins left and I had 2 more problems left to do! Luckily I think I got them right.


I once had a professor where he actually thought that if a single person was done before the time was up that the tests were to easy and he would make them longer and harder the next time. That was a terrible class but a curve did sort of even things out in the end.


On a side note, i am so good at procrastinating i am procrastinating going to bed. Wow i must be a pro.


I procrastinate whenever I can. But to make sure I get at least SOME work done, I keep my work-in-progress paper open in Word along with all my internet things. It makes me less grumpy about doing work. :D


I'm procrastinating right now. I have 4 bits of coursework that'll take (as a guideline) about 20 hours each and what I am doing?


Spending my overdraft money! (so much fun but now I only have £250 to live on until the end of April..)


On the plus side, I am meeting up with a friend in an hour or so to go over some data, so then I'll only have 79 hours to go..


Tigra xx

"Anyone can do any amount of work provided it isn't the work he is supposed to be doing at the moment."

- Robert Benchley


I generally procrastinate under the guise of multi-tasking. :P But yeah, I get work done eventually since while I'm jumping between random tasks I get hit by random moments of inspiration which I then use to chip away at my workload.


It doesn't do anything for my 60 terabyte to-do list though. xD

  • 2 weeks later...

I am a TERRIBLE procrastinator. I have a very important Ethics presentation to give next Thursday, as well as a five-page paper on the Communist Manifesto for my Western Civilization class that's due on Wednesday. I haven't even read it yet. In fact, I meant to start reading it at noon, but instead I've spent the last five hours avatar-hunting and generally wasting time. Sometimes I think there's something wrong with my brain, lol.


By the way, I'm also twenty and I don't have my driver's license. :whistle:


(Also, I have that shirt too. I got it at Steve & Barry's, but they went out of business recently.)


I have a paper due at midnight (Philippine time, not EST or PST). :D


Which I still haven't started. But I do have an outline in my head and all that.

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