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Kinda been off and on about neopets for about a year after a long LONG break from it before, so I'm looking for a place where I can get some help getting back into the swing of things and make myself another respectable account that I can be proud of and all that happy selfish stuff.

On a more personal note; My name is Kiyoshi, Kiyoshi Ogata. Currently living in Alaska of all places on the Earth and preparing to go to college as a music major at the University of Alaska Anchorage. They have a god-like clarinet player there as a teacher and I am actually looking forward to working with him. Hopefully it will get me closer to my real life dream of attending the Juilliards school, but anyway... Looking for some neopet savvy people to talk with and have a good'ol cyber time with and what-not.

Well this is the part where you all send me the, "welcome to the site, hope you enjoy yourself" stuff is to be posted by you guys, and if you are feeling rather inquisitive at the moment you can even ask me a question. (not like I said anything that you could be wondering about but who knows?)



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My name is Véronique, but I go by V. or Xepha. Oh and I'm Content Director of TDN.

The only thing I know about Anchorage is that my ipod nano transited there a few months ago when my mother ordered it... but it seems pretty awesome to learn with such a clarinet master :)


Welcome to TDN forums ;) If you have questions, we are here to answer them!

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What's a content director do?


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They direct content. :yes: Sorry; forgive my sarcasm. I'm sure Xepha will give you a serious answer shortly.


Anywho, sleepy sarcasm aside, welcome! I hope you enjoy it here. You'll meet tons of friendly (though slightly insane) people. (: Be sure to read the rules and such, and stay active. Oh, and if anyone offers, please don't eat the cookies!


Oh, ha, I almost forgot to say: I'm Livvy. =] Nice to meet you.

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Well, it's a complex task :P


I answer visitor emails, manage content team, organize works among content staffers, do some graphics/layouts, poke Ian...

oh and I write some content too, obviously.

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Hiya Kiyoshi, my name's Stephanie. :D


Yeah, we're a tad insane, but that won't bother anyone. ;D

Musical eh? I'm quite a n00b to guitar but that's just a spare time thing anyways XD

Remember to read the rules before you go any further and join in the discussion and fun!


Oh, and if you need any help, feel free to ask any one of us or make a new topic ;)

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Warm happy welcomes are always nice, thanks.


Kinda tired and frustrated right now though :S

Hoping that the rest of this week will be more fun and event-full since so far it has been rather sub-par...

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AWESOME. Barrow by any chance? :P. Sorry, horror movie obsession sneaking it's way into Neopets where it doesn't belong.


And I love Japanese. Do you speak it? Japan and America are my favourite places in the world. Not that I've been to either place... I want to live in either one though.


Welcome to the forums! It's rather awesome here :).

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Yeah I speak Japanese and English b)


Family's honke is in Ryuukyuu, grew up in Seattle and now I am in Palmer which is North of Anchorage in Alaska and am off to college :graduated:

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