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Today is Friday the 13th..


Are you superstitious?  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. Well, are ya superstitious?

    • Yes! EEP! *hides*
    • Bah, nowai.
    • Eh, kind of..

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Why is it the best for them? LOL Back in the day I used to tell everyone my fave number was 13 because it was supposed to be bad or whatever. In reality I have no favorite number.

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I don't know. They've just always had good luck on Friday the 13th. Like my guy friend Michael. Today...

1. He was getting a box of 24 cookies and a coke from the store, and the register broke down. The person was like, "This isn't your fault, and I know you've got to get to school. Just take the stuff for free."

2. He got a Valentine's card that completely made his day (from me ^_^)

3. He was the life of the pep rally... more so than the pep rally itself.

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Am I superstitious? hmm let me think about that while walking under a bridge while stroking a black cat :P

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I thought it was a ladder you weren't supposed to walk under...


Yeah sorry I probably should have made it clearer, I was referring to the "Nobody better go to any lakes tonight" comment :)

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I have always thought of Friday the 13th as a lucky day. Perhaps I'm showing my weirdness lol


But the fact it falls before V-Day is kinda creepy

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I don't really believe in superstition, but I do believe in Karma and other universal energies. If everyone focuses on 13 as a negative number, then I do believe that it will have an influence on the energies of the number 13. Sort of like a self-fulfilling prophecy kind of thing . At least that's how I feel about it.

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well i am kinda suerstitous... but friday was a very good day for me...


we had a monday schedule since we get monday for for a holiday, so i had 7 less hours i had to be at school. then i went for a field trip that i had sat so i just went out with my buddies and got some pizza and stuff.


so now i rather like friday the 13ths.

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Okay, so it's a LITTLE less unlucky =] Thanks for checking. I would have, but... I was feeling lazy and didn't know where my calendar had run off to.


Still, 3 Friday the 13ths is pretty scary for superstitious people. :yes:

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I don't really believe in this as I just heard it from my friends and nothing really happen to me on that day so its just like any other day...

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