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Mysterious Valentines Cards


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Hey hey! I know this may sound like a silly question, but how does one send a card? I have a MVC (looking for somebody to send it to, so please feel free to contact me). Do I just click on the card in my inventory and choose "give to Neofriend" from the drop-down menu?

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Opps I sent it before looking at the post here...


Edit: It is still avaliable? I refreshed a lot of times but just don't see it...

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You have given A Mysterious Valentines Card to '-------'. It's sent anonymously, of course, so they'll never know it was from you. ;)


And, since you're in the Valentine's Day spirit:

Something has happened!

You are now eligible to use the 'Valentine's Day' theme when browsing the Neopets.com website! Check out your User Preferences to change your theme.

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i'm still waiting... deadline for me 30 minutes then gotta go so HURRY!!!

It is still available if you are still here.


I must have missed you bluerang1, sorry.

It is still available if anyone else is interested. Will be off for a little while, but will check back later.


Update - sorry, it is now gone.


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