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A third entry to the BC?

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At least I have two boards I can advertise on now, and they're both Neopets fansite forums. Anyway, here is the link to my third entry of the BC: http://www.neopets.com/beauty/details.phtml?pet=Oakmouse


I've decided not to colour her in on paint, as she looks better than actually coloured in. But I think I might have missed the feathers... I might get some good colouring pencils and colour the pictures in there, then I'll retake the photos and enter with coloured in versions of the other entries.

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Thanks for all the votes, everyone! Oh, and by the way, if you're wondering how mrsoates did last week, she was 10th place in species.

@Icy Izzy: I do hope you enter Jerry for the upcoming contest. :)

@FutureTXGovernor: I know... but it isn't bad, considering it's my first time ever drawing a Pteri.

@amitybell: I think she does too. I might just keep drawing them and leaving them B&W. You should see how little entries there are for the Pteri! But they're pretty good as well, so I'm a bit anxious. Especially the Faerie Pteri.

@Stephanie~: I use the Jellyneo Forums to advertise my BC entries as well as TDNF now.

@ho_yt: I know it's a bit blurred, but my hands are a bit shaky when it comes to taking photos on my phone. If I could, I'd cast Petrificus Totalus on my right hand so my hands would just freeze around the phone. Along with my right arm so it doesn't move the phone, then I'll press the button to take the photo with my left hand. :P

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